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Entering into a relationship with a narcissist is one of the strangest endeavors you will ever embark upon. At first, they seem loving, but in the end, you will question why you ever met them.


Narcissists have a personality disorder that orients them towards control and selfishness. According to the DSM (Diagnostic Manual of Statistical Diagnosis), they are people who have a lack of empathy and who treat the people closest to them like pawns. If you feel like you are in a relationship with a narcissist, here are 7 unexplainable things narcissists do to try to control you.

Understanding the Narcissistic Phenomenon: Delving deep into the psyche of a narcissist can provide insights into their tactics. This comprehensive book covers the origins, manifestations, and coping mechanisms for dealing with narcissists. Click here.

1. They gaslight you.

Narcissists are known for gaslighting. Gaslighting is when a person makes you doubt your reality. They do this by discounting your own experiences, and it can mess your head up.

Gaslighting Survival Guide: Recognize the signs of gaslighting early on and arm yourself with strategies to counteract them. This guide is essential for anyone feeling trapped in the whirlwind of a narcissist’s deception.

2. They manipulate you.

Narcissists are manipulative. They will shame you, play the victim, and more. If you are in a relationship with one, be careful, they will do whatever it takes to get their way.

3. They stonewall you.

Stonewalling is a technique narcissists use when they don’t want to talk. If you bring up a good point about their abuse, they will shut down and walk away. They don’t care to discuss their transgressions or anything that brings them discomfort.

4. They give you the silent treatment.

Another technique of the narcissist involves silent treatment. Narcissists will withhold contact until you give them what they want.

Strength After Narcissistic Abuse Journal: Healing after a relationship with a narcissist requires introspection and self-awareness. Use this journal to document your experiences, reflect on your feelings, and chart your journey to recovery.

5. They leave you.

Narcissists are known for leaving their partners when they don’t get what they want because they feel as though, by leaving, they gain back their power. If a narcissist leaves you, let them go. It may be hard, but it’s worth it.

6. They triangulate you.

Triangulation occurs when a narcissist involves another person. For example, they may take an argument you have against them and go to a friend or ex and tell them about what you said and then bring that other person to you to show you how you’re wrong. It’s pretty shady.

7. They minimize your issues.

Narcissists can’t stand to be put second. Even if you have a major issue going on in your life, they will work to minimize your issues. It can be frustrating when you have a narcissistic partner because venting is impossible.