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At Awareness Act, our primary mission is to provide readers with insightful and reliable content. In the interest of full transparency and maintaining trust with our audience, we believe it’s crucial to clarify our affiliate relationships.

Amazon Services LLC Associates Program: Awareness Act is a proud participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising initiative designed to provide a means for sites like ours to earn advertising fees by promoting and linking to

How Our Affiliate Links Work: Certain links on our website are affiliate links. This means that when you click on one of these links and make a purchase on, we might earn a small commission, without any additional cost to you. These commissions assist in supporting Awareness Act and enable us to continue providing free content for our readers.

Commitment to Our Readers: Please be assured that our collaboration with Amazon in no way influences our content or the products and services we recommend. We independently choose every product based on its quality, reputation, and relevance to our audience. Our integrity and your trust are paramount, and we never advocate for a product or service solely due to potential commissions.

Your Choice: Choosing to use our affiliate links is entirely up to you. We’d be grateful for your support in shopping through our links, but our primary concern is that you make well-informed decisions. If you opt to buy a product we endorse, using our affiliate link is a way to support Awareness Act at no additional expense to you.

Further Questions: Your trust means everything to us. Should you have any inquiries or reservations about our affiliate links or our association with Amazon, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.