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The study of numerology is the belief that there is an important mystical relationship that can be identified between a number and specific events or influences in our lives. This includes looking at areas of our lives that are already associated with numbers, like dates and times, as well as assigning a numerical value to the various letters of the alphabet, allowing for the determination of a numerical value for names and other words.

This starts by discovering the number associated with the date, name, or thought in question through adding the individual digits together then simplifying the number down. For example, December 9th, 2017 would break down to 12/9/2017. December is the 12th month and reduces to the number 3 (1+2). The date is a single digit, so it doesn’t require any further simplification. The year 2017 can be reduced to a 1 (2+0+1+7 = 10, 1+0 = 1). The numbers associated with the date can then be added together (3+9+1 = 13, 1+3 = 4) to determine that December 9th, 2017 would be associated with the number 4. This is known as the Life Path number for that date.

While these numbers each have their own significant meaning, they can also be combined with other mystical studies to further reveal secrets relating to our lives, personalities, and inner selves. One such practice is that of Tarot. Tarot readers are able to unlock mysteries of the universe through the use of a specialized deck of cards, developed in the 18th century by those with psychic abilities to find the answers to various questions in life. As with everything else in life, these cards too can be associated with a number for the purpose of numerology.

By determining our life path number (as described above), we can determine which tarot card we are represented by, providing us with fascinating insights and an idea of our true life path. Difficult calculating your life path number? Try this simple online calculator.


What does your life path number reveal using the practice of tarot reading? Read on:

#1 – The Magician

You are a confident, driven natural born leader who believes that everything in this life is possible if you simply want it badly enough. You don’t shy away from the idea of hard work, doing whatever it takes to accomplish your goals, regardless of how big or small they may be. When you set your mind to something there is no changing it, making you incredibly stubborn and determined. You feel the need to be in control of everything that you do, with the idea of a loss of control concerning you more than anything else.

#2 – The High Priestess

You have a deep and personal understanding of the Universe and the idea of the ‘bigger picture.’ Blessed with an incredibly strong and accurate intuition, you are able to see past the obvious to better assess the situations that you are in. You are a gifted empath, often understanding the people that you meet in this life better than they even know themselves. This allows you to make a significant difference in the lives of everyone that you encounter.

#3 – The Empress

Fun-loving and highly social, you are most at home surrounded by others, gravitating to social settings and public areas. You feed off the energy of others, although it is important that you pay attention to what types of energy you are exposing yourself to. You do enjoy the finer things in life, preferring to splurge on the luxuries rather than focusing on building your life savings. While this may come across as materialistic, the truth is that you would rather live in the moment and enjoy all that you have today than worry about the future.

#4 – The Emperor

You live your life by a clear set of rules, abiding by a rigid schedule in order to avoid the frightening prospect of change. On one hand, this means that you are incredibly reliable, however, with no flexibility at all it can be difficult for you to handle the twists and turns that life with inevitably throw your way. Others know hat they can always count on you to get the job done, regardless of how difficult or involved it may be, and this creates an incredible level of trust.

#5 – The Hierophant

You are wise beyond your years, an always seem to have the ‘right thing’ to say regardless of the situation before you. For this reason, you are the one that your friends all turn to for advice. This is okay by you, as you love to support and help others, sharing your knowledge and wisdom at every chance possible. You sometimes find yourself too focused on the past, dwelling on decisions that you have made or things that you have done. You need to learn to let this go and keep moving forward.

#6 – The Lovers

As the name of the card would insinuate, you are an incredible romantic individual, placing a high importance on the relationships in your life and the connections that you develop with other people. You are enthusiastic and optimistic, bringing light and love into the lives of the people that surround you, a positive quality that often attracts others to you. Unfortunately, however, your expectations are sometimes swept up in your romantic dreams, making them unrealistic. Remember, we don’t live in a fairy tale, this is real life.

#7 – The Chariot

While others may see you as pushy or bossy, the truth is that you simply can’t stand to be sitting still in life. You firmly believe that you are always moving, either forward or backward, and make it your life mission to keep things moving in the right direction at all times. This approach to life can cause you to develop tunnel vision, caught up in whether you are accomplishing anything in one specific area of your life while losing sight of the bigger picture. Remember that life isn’t always linear.

#8 – Strength

You live your life in an incredibly laid-back style, which fascinates the people around you. While the rest of the world may be running around like chickens with their heads cut off, you are sitting back with your feet up, just rolling with the punches. Be careful that you don’t become so laid back that you become complacent. Furthermore, don’t allow your quieter, calm personality to keep you from speaking out when you need to be head. You have a powerful voice if you believe that you can use it.

#9 – The Hermit

While you understand the purpose of having others in life, you also acknowledge that people are messy, disorganized and complicated. Instead, you thrive in an introverted and solitary world, keeping to yourself and building your ideal environment. While there is great power in the ability to stand on your own, don’t allow yourself to slip into a state of complete solitude. There are also incredible benefits to opening up to others. Denying yourself the opportunity for true human connection will mean missing out on some of life’s greatest gifts.