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One of the ultimate quests in life is the search for true love. While there is no ‘one size fits all’ solution to finding that special someone, your zodiac sign may provide you with a suggestion on the best place to look.

Not only is love an aspect of life that we find ourselves wishing for, but it’s also a level of connection that we are biologically wired to search. We have a desire to be wanted, loved, cared for, and nurtured. Why? It is this connection that leads to the establishment of the family unit, encouraging us to start a family and continue (of course) the creation of the next generation. However, if you’ve ever been in love, you know that it’s so much more than just a biological drive.

Love is finding someone that brings a smile to your face and improves your life. It’s finding your best friend and partner in crime, the person that will stand by your side both to celebrate the good times as well as to weather life’s challenges.  In a world that can be negative, toxic and difficult, love provides us with the motivation and inspiration to keep moving forward.

There are certain aspects of love that are nearly impossible to predict, like that magical ‘chemistry’ that you either have or don’t have. However, experts will tell you that our personalities play an important role in predicting who we will ‘click with’ and effectively build a life with, and who may not see eye to eye with us. For example, if you are a hardcore adventurer that wants to live life on the go, it may be harder to build a life with someone who is a complete homebody with no desire to change.

Where are you most likely to meet your soulmate, according to your zodiac sign? Read on to find out!

Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 19): Sporting Event

You prefer a high-energy, fast-paced lifestyle, one that will embrace your impulsive and intense energy. Highly competitive, sports speak to you on a deep and meaningful level, embracing your spark and excitement. If you meet someone at a sporting event, it’s likely going to be someone that can also embrace the competitive side of life (and therefore they are less likely to be intimidated by you).

Taurus (Apr 20 – May 20): Outdoor Event

Grounded and outdoorsy, the natural environment is a very important aspect of who you are and what makes you happy in life. You are at your best when you are outdoors and finding a soulmate that shares this love of being outdoors is key. Whether you’re simply spending a day at the park, or hitting the hiking trails, you find joy and happiness in the simple things.

Gemini (May 21 – Jun 20): While Traveling

There is no denying the fact that you have a love for life, bringing light into every room that you enter. However, with your hectic social calendar and packed schedule, the idea of carving out time to find someone and go through the dating process may be overwhelming. Good news, there are people out there that want to run with life in the same way, and you can learn to run together! Meet someone on the move that will become your co-pilot.

Cancer (Jun 21 – Jul 22): At A Romantic Movie

Allowing your heart to lead you through every choice that you make in life, you desire to find a soulmate that will connect on a deep, emotional level. The people who enjoy the classic, romantic movies are generally sentimental and sensitive people who are seeking that same traditional romantic connection. Pay attention to who you meet the next time you’re ordering popcorn.

Leo (Jul 23 – Aug 22): Industry Event

Strong, bold and determined, you know what you want in life and you’re not about to settle for anything less. You’re a highly career driven person with an eye for success, and the idea soulmate would be someone that shares that same desire. Meeting somewhere while networking at an industry event will allow you to find a soulmate whose goals and dreams align with your own in some way.

Virgo (Aug 23 – Sept 22): The Library

There are some people who prefer the quieter, calmer moments in life, and you’re definitely one of those people. Rather than chasing wild adventures and adrenaline rushes, you would rather experience the world through the pages of a well-written book. If you meet someone at the library, not only will you share a gift of reading, but their choice in books may also help you to find someone with common interests.

Libra (Sept 23 – Oct 22): The Club

You dedicate your life to bringing balance and peace to the world around you. For this reason, this answer may just surprise you… However, when you let go of your agenda and just enjoy life, this is the moment when you are your true self. When you meet someone at the club, your walls and inhibitions are down. This is a great time to really get to know one another without being bogged down by the responsibilities and ‘rules’ of society.

Scorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 21): Bookstore

It’s not just the bookstore that you should pay attention to, it’s the New Age section in particular. Why? You aren’t one that’s going to waste your time with small talk or trying to create some ‘picture perfect’ romance by following societies expectations for your love life. Instead, you want to find someone that is straightforward and comfortable in their own skin. This is someone who will truly explore the meaning of life with you.

Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 21): Casino

There is no arguing the fact that you’re an adventurous spirit, seeking excitement and new opportunities at every turn. There is nothing that you fear more than finding someone who is going to hold you back or weigh you down, so why not search in a place where the very nature is one of taking risks and trusting your gut? You need to find someone that’s going to embrace the unpredictable with you.

Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 19): Work

Let’s be honest, you’re a workaholic. It’s a combination of your big goals, your ambition and your dedication to hard work. The truth is that you are going to spend much of your life at work, that’s just who you are, so why not find someone that can be part of that journey? You can work together towards bigger and better things.

Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 18): Charity Event

You genuinely want to make the world a better place, and you will go to great lengths to make this a reality. This side of your personality is never going to change, nor should you try to change for anyone. Instead, find someone that shares a common vision. Imagine the connection you will share with one another while focusing on a common cause.

Pisces (Feb 19 – Mar 20): Art Museum

The most creative sign of the zodiac, you can’t imagine a life without the arts. You surround yourself in antiques, great music, and art pieces in order to bring happiness into your life, and you need to find someone that has that same creative eye and incredible imagination. Your soulmate is likely touring an art museum or watching a concert right now, so why not join them?

Image via Great Mind