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Aquarius season is just around the corner, starting on January 20th. A time associated with rebellion and personal expression, this is going to be an incredibly challenging month for 3 zodiac signs, however, with a little hard work and dedication you can not only survive but thrive!

The sun is about to leave the hardworking and logical sign of Capricorn where we have remained grounded since December 22nd and head into the quirky and unique sign of Aquarius. This is one of the more significant shifts as it moves through the zodiac, moving from one end of the spectrum to the others. This is enough to catch anyone off guard, but some zodiac signs are going to feel this change much more intensely than others.

For 3 zodiac signs, this will be the most difficult period all year, so buckle up! That doesn’t mean that you can’t make the most of this challenging time. In fact, Aquarius season is the perfect time to focus on making changes and improvements in your life. The rebellious energy that you are experiencing will encourage you to throw tradition and caution to the wind, following your heart and forging your own path in life. Don’t fight it. Instead, embrace it and discover where this exciting time can take you.

This is going to be a challenging Aquarius season for these 3 zodiac signs. Read on to discover how you can still come out ahead:

Cancer (Jun 21 – Jul 22)

The sudden shift of energy as the sun moves from Capricorn to Aquarius is going to bring intense and overwhelming emotions for you Cancer. This is further complicated by the fact that you’re going to be experiencing a great deal of change in your life, leaving you feeling a little lost and confused. Take a step back and take a deep breath. Change is a positive thing that should be embraced, but first, you need to take the time to identify where you’re going. Having a goal and an endgame will make it easier to keep moving forward on this journey even if you can’t see the path clearly ahead of you, as you can take it on faith that you’re headed in the right direction.

Scorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 21)

You’re normally a pretty mysterious person, but Aquarius season is going to take this to a deeper level. Friend and family may accuse of withdrawing or being depressed, but it’s not that you’re in a bad mood, you’re just at a point in your life where you need to do some serious self-reflection. You can’t focus on the outside world until you find a comfortable place with who and what you are right now. Try to let go of any feelings of guilt or weakness associated with this focus, those who truly care for you will support your search to ‘understand yourself’ even if that means a little less time together in the coming weeks. When you’re confident and comfortable with yourself, everything else will fall in place.

Pisces (Feb 19 – Mar 20)

While the other two signs mentioned here are dealing with challenging or difficult emotions, it’s not that easy to put your finger on what’s going on in your life. You feel exhausted, not just tired, but completely burnt out – physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. As a result, you come across as agitated, irritable and cut off from the world. You need to take a step away from everything else in life and focus on you and your well-being. Identify the things that help you to rest and recharge and make them a priority. This may mean drawing a hot bath, curling up with your favorite book or simply taking a walk outdoors. You need to take care of you before you can care for anyone else in your life.

Need a little motivation and encouragement to get through this tough time? Watch this video: