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Losing weight can feel like a difficult and tedious process. Eating healthy and working out are the keys to shedding those extra pounds, however, there are additional steps that you can take to help boost your efforts.

One important step towards weight loss that is often overlooked is proper hydration. While you can certainly take care of this by simply increasing your water intake, most people struggle to drink the necessary amount of water.

Try these 12 drinks to help you shed those extra pounds:

#1 – Green Tea

This tea is a well-known weight loss drink, helping to boost your metabolism, optimize your insulin activity and increase fat oxidation. Experts suggest that drinking as little as 2.5 cups of green tea every day can have a profound impact on your weight loss efforts.

#2 – Lemon Water

Hydration is an important part of your weight loss efforts, but simply adding lemon to your water can have a significant impact. For best results, your lemon water should be lukewarm to promote easier digestion. It’s a great way to add flavor, reduce appetite, and balance your pH levels.

#3 – Ginger Tea

Ginger carries many health benefits, from promoting better digestive health to reducing inflammation throughout the body. One benefit that will help with your weight loss efforts is the fact that ginger works to boost the body’s metabolism. While you can pick up ginger candies or add it to your meals, you can also make this root into an effective weight loss tea.

#4 – Cucumber Juice

Low in calories, yet high in vitamins and minerals, cucumbers are a great addition to your diet if you are working on losing weight. If you are looking for a low guilt treat, you’ve got it. Cucumbers are also a great option for juicing due to their high water content. Staying properly hydrated is an important part of optimal health.

#5 – Pineapple Juice

A delicious sweet treat, pineapple works to help promote better digestion, boost metabolism and speed up weight loss. While you can enjoy pineapple as a healthy and delicious snack, you can also juice this fruit into a great weight loss drink.

#6 – Dandelion Tea

An up and coming miracle drink, dandelion tea has been making the headlines due to its alleged ability to fight cancer, however, this tea also has some great benefits that can help your weight loss journey. This tea has a diuretic effect, helping you to shed water weight.

#7 – Lemon and Cucumber Juice

Why not try combining two of the high benefit options that we have already previously mentioned? If you’re tired of drinking lemon water or cucumber juice on their own, try combining the two for a delicious and effective weight loss drink.

#8 – Grapefruit and Cinnamon Juice

‘The Grapefruit Diet’ is a fad diet that has been around for decades, however, there may be some truth behind the push for grapefruit. This power packed fruit contains enzymes that help to burn fat if it’s consumed prior to eating other foods. Meanwhile, cinnamon contains a chemical compound that helps the body to burn fat cell specifically for energy. Combine the two and drink this juice before meals for best results.

#9 – Strawberry with Lemon and Herbs

Strawberries are packed with delicious flavor, a great snack packed with vitamins, fiber, antioxidants, potassium, and magnesium. This fruit is also highly effective in improving digestion, which can have a significant impact on your weight loss efforts. Blending your strawberry with the tartness of lemons and some herbs for flavor will make a delicious weight loss drink.

#10 – Apple Cinnamon Water

Often served in spas as a delicious way to ensure proper hydration, apple cinnamon water is also a great way to boost your metabolism. This is a great drink to enjoy throughout the day, maximizing your water intake and boosting your weight loss efforts at the same time.

#11 – Cucumber and Cilantro Drink

A flavor filled herb that has been used throughout Asian and Mexican culture, cilantro is highly nutritious and often included in a healthy diet. Adding cilantro to your cucumber juice is a great way to add a little extra flavor to your weight loss efforts.

#12 – Apple Cider Vinegar Juice

Recently apple cider vinegar has gained a lot of attention for all of the benefits that it offers, everything from curing acne to lowering blood sugar levels. One benefit that many people aren’t aware of is that apple cider vinegar can assist with your weight loss efforts by boosting your metabolism. Simply add it to your juices, teas or smoothies.

Image via Brightside