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Astrologically speaking, we have a lot going on this week, with the full moon in Cancer and the Sun conjuncting with Pluto in Capricorn. Due to all of this, we should expect some major shifts.

Pluto is a major powerhouse in astrology, and with Capricorn’s practical drive and motivation, we will likely be seeing some old habits die hard. In turn, Pluto’s tendency to power over authority is likely going to have us reevaluating the place of power in our lives and what we are giving our power to.

Each of us will feel these transits differently, though, and here’s what to expect.


You are going to have a lot of feelings emerging, due to the full moon in Cancer. So don’t be afraid to take a load off, and get some much-needed time to mend and refresh.


You will be feeling driven to reach out and communicate, so pick up the phone and touch base with people you haven’t talked to in a while. You may be surprised at how many lines of communication become reopened during this time because of it.


Right now is the time to focus on your finances. If your spending has gotten out of control, now is the time to nip that in the bud and create a healthy budget to stick to.


Since the full moon will be in your sign, it’s important to take this time to focus on growth. What is helping you, and what is hindering you? Release the things that hold you back, even if it’s difficult.


You are going to be feeling everything intensely, pushing you to need some time alone. Don’t shy away from that, and take a much-needed break to slow down and reflect on the things that are weighing most on you.


You’ve been busy lately, neglecting your friendships and relationships. Now, you are being pushed to slow down and take some time to regroup, with friends.


For you, your career is moving to the forefront. Focus on how far you’ve come, and also what changes need to be made to keep you reaching those goals. Are you seeking a promotion? Now is the time to reach for it.


This shift is going to have you focusing on your family and home life. You’ve had a lot going on lately, so don’t be afraid to get back to the basics this week and reflect on how you can move forward comfortably.


You often bottle your emotions, and this full moon is going to cause them to seep out. Allow them to flow, and face them as they come.


Your relationships are going to be pushed to the forefront of your mind during this time, leading you to focus on how you are arriving in them. Could you be doing more? Or should you give some of the space?


Usually, you are very communicative, however, right now is the time to be introspective. What’s going on within? Are you dealing with some inner storms you haven’t wanted to deal with? Now is the time, your season isn’t far behind.


You are going to be feeling very romantic. Don’t be afraid to venture out with your partner to see some sights and experience something new. Or, use your romantic and creative watery energy boost from the Cancer full moon to focus on a creative project.