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If you have never heard of the Myers-Briggs personality test, it is a very complex and widely recognized personality test that dives deep into what drives you to understand your personality. And while we typically all only see the best parts of ourselves, we oftentimes don’t recognize our most toxic traits-thankfully, the Myers-Briggs can give us insight into that too.

If you don’t know your type, you can visit this site to find out, and then come back to find out your own toxic trait.

You may be thinking, “But Harley, I don’t have a toxic trait.” When it comes down to it- it’s natural to believe that, however, we all have traits that aren’t our best. That’s perfectly okay, it means you are human. Below, I have listed each personality type and what makes them toxic. Remember, approach this with an open mind.

1. ISTP (The Virtuoso) Insensitive

This personality type is known for being practical, creative, and logic driven. However, when it comes to relating to others on a deeply emotional level, this personality struggles. Because of that, they can be a bit insensitive at times.  Unfortunately, this can be a major weakness for this personality type. If this is you, try to make sure to think before you speak in delicate situations, and while it may not always be easy-remember to practice empathy.

2. ISFP (The Adventurer) Fiercely Independent

The adventurer is a deep-thinking individual who oftentimes spends a lot of time in their own mind. But, because of their tendency to withdraw, they oftentimes can be too independent, not knowing when to ask for help. In turn, they can easily get overwhelmed in situations that are too much. If this is you, try to learn how to ask for help.

3. ESTP (The Entrepreneur) Impatience

ESTP personalities are very bold, perceptive, and social. They know what they want, and they go right for it. But, their practicality and ease of decisiveness can also work against them, because they easily get impatient with others. If this is you, try to put yourself in the other person’s shoes if you find yourself getting impatient or annoyed.

4. ESFP (The Entertainer) Lack of Boundaries

Entertainers are very expressive and love putting on a show and are very aesthetically driven. The entertainer is far more likely to be sensitive and highly emotional, as well as people-pleasing. People-pleasing can feel like a good thing, but actually, it’s quite unhealthy. Remember to assert boundaries as necessary.

5. ESTJ (The Executive) is Too Rigid

ESTJs are very much rigid and logical. They play it by the rules and desire organization and structure. However, their rigidity can also work against them, making it hard for them to think outside the box. Because of this, they may have a hard time seeing solutions and means of thinking that aren’t their own. If this is you, try to venture outside the box and take a suggestion that is not your own.

6. ISFJ (The Defender) Too Modest

Defenders are always ready to help others. They are caring and supportive, and extremely reliable. But, they tend to put themselves last quite a lot and allow their own feelings to fall to the back burner. If this is you, learn how to take a compliment and also, learn to acknowledge your own accomplishments and needs.

7. ISTJ (The Logistician) Unwilling to Compromise

The Logistician is the leader of the group. They are very organized, practical, and very rigid like the executive. Due to their rigid personalities and headstrong mindset, these personalities may have a hard time seeing things or doing things in a way that isn’t their own. Oftentimes, it’s ‘my way or the highway.’ If this is you, try to be more flexible.

8. ESFJ (The Consul) Needy of Validation

The consul is both dutiful and practical, and wonderful with others. However, the consul can get wrapped up in what others think, making them needy of validation. If this is you, try to worry less about what people think of you, and seek outside validation. Practicing gratitude can help a lot.

9. ENFP (The Campaigner) Naive

Campaigners are enthusiastic and spontaneous. However, they oftentimes view the world in a rose-colored light, which can lead them to make bad decisions. If this is you, remember to weigh your pros in cons in situations where you want to see the best in someone, so you can see things as what they are, instead of what you wish them to be.

10. INFP (The Mediator) Unbalanced

Mediators are generous, compassionate, and open-minded. All of these are good traits, however, they can lead to something that isn’t so good. Mediators easily get burned out, because they are always trying to help others, which can cause them to self-isolate. if this is you, remember to take measures of self-care and practice balance.

11. ENFJ (The Protagonist) Condescending

The protagonist oftentimes takes the role of leader, as they harbor strong opinions. They also often feel driven to make the world a better place, which while rooted in a good place can cause them to be too idealistic, and even condescending. If this is you, remember, it’s not your job to save the world, and while it’s good to want to change things-your way is not always helpful to others. Let people follow their own path.

12. INFJ (The Advocate) is Too Perfectionistic

The advocate is insightful and tends to think outside of the box. They aren’t one to be superficial or materialistic, but they do often constantly seek out the next big thing. Additionally, they can be a bit perfectionist, which can cause them to hold themselves and others to an unreachable standard. If this is you, remember, perfection isn’t possible, and it’s important to schedule time for yourself to avoid burnout.

13. INTJ (The Architect) Too Focused on the Facts

The Architect is very rational-minded and does not look at anything outside of facts, including emotions. However, this can lead them to be completely emotionless at times, which can be toxic. If this is you, try to slow down and really try to see things from the other person’s point of view. Asking questions like, “How does that make you feel?” can give you the insight to see things from their perspective.

14. INTP (The Logician) Too Focused on Perfection

Logicians tend to analyze everything and everyone, oftentimes analyzing multiple things at once. This can be great for them, but it can also come at a cost. In many cases, the logician can get hung up too much on perfection and try to hyper-focus and solve everything, even when it’s not broken. If this is you, try to practice more gratitude.

15. ENTJ (The Commander) Too Stubborn

Commanders are natural leaders, who are strategic and strong-willed. But, they can also be too stubborn or dominant. If this is you, try to remember that everyone has a valid opinion, even if it’s not your own.

16. ENTP (The Debater)

Debtors are intelligent and charming and are often sucked into learning something new. They love to challenge new ideas, but because they tend to challenge everything-even when it’s not necessary, they do tend to get caught in toxic cycles. If this is you, try to remember to ask yourself if your opinion has been asked for. If it hasn’t – it might be best to let things ride.