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If you’re worried about what may be to come in the future, perhaps looking to numerology will work in your favor. I know, we’re all over the place right now, but we shouldn’t be so on edge.

If you’re wondering what 2021 has in store for you all you need to do is calculate your life path number for the year 2021. This should give you a bit of an overview within reason and put your mind to ease. Sure, there will still be some things we cannot predict but overall from this month through to the end of the year you should be able to get a hold on things as you move forth.

To figure out what your life path number is for 2021 all you need to do is take your birthdate and add the numbers together. For instance, you would add the birthdate with the birth month and then simplify from there. Once you’ve done that you will continue breaking things down until you have single digit. You also need to add together the numbers of your birth year and simplify those and add together all the single digits you have until you have one single digit by itself.

Now that you have that number you should add it with and simplify from there the number of the year which is 5 because when you break down 2021 you get 5. I know this might sound confusing but stick with me. If you’re having trouble getting your number figured out the example below may help.

If your birthdate is March 3rd, 1996 you would end up with 0 plus 3 for the month leaving you with 3 and a simple 3 for the date itself. This meaning you’d have 6 before bringing the birth year into the mix. Adding the year in you’d get 1 plus 9 plus 9 plus 6 which would equal 25. Simplify that and you’re left with 7.

Now that you have a mere 6 and 7 you can add these together and get 13 which boils down to 4. Now bringing the number 5 into the mix for the year we are facing you will have 4 plus 5 which leaves you with 9. That meaning your life path number for this specific year is 9.

Once you have your life path number for this year take a look below to see what it could mean for you.


If your life path number for 2021 is the number one you’re going to have a year full of growth but also independence. You’re going to be holding your own and really showing other people that you can do all you set your mind to. This year is one that is going to really get you out there big time.


If your life path number for 2021 is the number two you’re going to be spending this year working on being more caring towards yourself. You don’t need to keep rushing. The things that are meant to happen will happen whether you want them to or not.


If your life path number for the year 2021 is three you’re going to notice a lot this year that you’re finally breaking out of your shell. Your confidence is through the roof, and you’re beginning to see things as they are for once. Keep up the good work.


If your life path number for 2021 is the number four you’re going to be spending this year trying to fit in. You feel very out of place and nothing seems to be going as you want it to. Perhaps you’re not exactly on the path you want to be and are in serious need of change.


If your life path number for 2021 is the number five you are someone that has a lot of free time as of late. Stop wasting away and put that time to use. It’s time for you to live a little and the more days that pass the more apparent that is going to become to you.


If your life path number for the year 2021 is the number six chances are you’re already trying to get more done than you can handle. You have a lot on your mind and this year is supposed to be one that you spend really making changes. However, you need to keep in mind that everyone needs a break from time to time.


If your life path number for 2021 is seven you’re going to be spending a lot of your time this year listening to your intuitive side. You may not understand the things before you but your gut has not steered you wrong yet. You are more tuned into your highest form than you might want to admit and in the end, it is going to help you get through a lot this year.


If your life path number for 2021 is eight you are someone who is going to be driven by abundance this year. You have a lot you want to accomplish and a plan to make things work. Stick by what you’ve set out to do, and you may actually get more done than you could ever imagine.


If your life path number for 2021 is nine you’re someone who is going to spend a lot of your time this year making known that you’re not the person you once were. This will be hard on you, but it will also provide you with a lot of new connections. Things will never be the same but in a good way.