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Each zodiac sign holds its own traits and handles their emotions in their own ways. Whether you’re someone who is quick to close off or someone who lets others walk all over them for far too long, you too have your limits.

Understanding how each zodiac sign works will help you to better understand the people around you. If you’re wondering why someone is emotionally unavailable to you or why they’re too closed off, looking into what makes people of their sign distance themselves from others might benefit you. Below I am going to go over some of the more prominent things that can make someone emotionally closed off and what makes that differ from one sign to another. Scroll to the sign you’re curious about and see what you find out.


The Aries is emotionally unavailable to you because he thinks of you more as a friend than a lover. It isn’t easy to break through to people who belong to this sign. They have a lot going on in their lives and tend to jump from one person to the next like it’s nobody’s business. You can’t force them to settle down when they just aren’t ready to.


The Taurus is emotionally unavailable to you because of how intense the love they want is. Because they need control, this sign is hard to work with in the world of love. They struggle big time with really setting boundaries and making things work without being too over the top. If they don’t think they can trust you, they aren’t going to even waste their time trying.


The Gemini is emotionally unavailable to you because he or she is busy playing the field. They don’t often want to settle down because they’re curious about what else is out there. People belonging to this sign tend to move on from one person to the next and then trying to go back when they finally realize what they are missing out on.


The Cancer is emotionally unavailable to you because they are trying to play it safe. This sign is always going through heartache and painful emotions. They love far deeper than they should and setting boundaries, as well as building walls, is their way of trying to change that.


The Leo is emotionally unavailable to you because they feel like they need more attention than you’re willing to give. This sign is a very demanding one and if you can’t keep up, they won’t stick around. People born under this sign love to be clung to and if you’re not ‘worshiping’ them enough they will find someone who is going to.


The Virgo is emotionally unavailable to you because through being emotionally unavailable he or she doesn’t have to turn anyone down. Because the Virgo isn’t interested in most people he or she tends to hurt many who become enticed all the while him or her showing no interest. If the Virgo isn’t into you then you shouldn’t waste your time trying to trap him or her, it just won’t work.


The Libra is emotionally unavailable to you because he or she is more interested in other things and doesn’t like opening up. These kinds of people put up a serious barrier between themselves and the people around them. Emotionally these signs tend to carry a lot of baggage that not everyone can handle.


The Scorpio is emotionally unavailable to you because they struggle to really open up to you. When they’re actually clicking with someone it is easy for them to show their vulnerable side. While you might be trying hard, there is just something that keeps putting them off and it’s ruining any connection you could have had.


The Sagittarius is emotionally unavailable to you because he or she doesn’t have time to settle down. This sign is all about moving forth and going on adventures and making them slow down isn’t easy. It takes someone truly special to get the Sagittarius to look back.


The Capricorn is emotionally unavailable to you because he or she doesn’t feel like there is enough time to spend with others on an emotional level. Capricorns spend most of their time working and trying to get things done. They get comfortable too quick and the more time you spend with one another the less attention they will give you.


The Aquarius is emotionally unavailable to you because they just usually aren’t. It takes a lot to get them to open up, and they aren’t going to do so with just anyone. You might as well cut your losses when it comes to this sign.


The Pisces is emotionally unavailable to you because you’re not someone that ignites the passion within them. They need to be surrounded by people who make them think more and express themselves in ways they normally wouldn’t. If they don’t feel a serious connection they don’t bother opening up.