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 Stress might be piling up on you and you might feel like the whole world is against you but that doesn’t mean you should give up.

When you’re facing hard issues and struggling with your mental, physical, or emotional health you should do your best to support yourself and allow those around you to also support you. Being hard on yourself isn’t going to make things better, it’ll just make you feel worse.

In times of need, don’t abandon yourself. You should be able to count on yourself above all else.

5 Things That Will Help When You’re Falling Apart:

1. Stop judging yourself.

You should be your own biggest fan. The more you judge yourself the more pain that is going to bring. You don’t have to keep attacking the things you do, especially if you do them for a reason. Don’t compare yourself to others either, that in itself is quite toxic.

2. Quit setting yourself up to fail.

Stop taking on so much, if you’re overwhelmed take a step back. Sometimes it’s important for your own well-being to just say no to other people. Believe me, I know better than most how hard this can be! I am one of the most passive people around, and I do not like to say no. Move past that need and do it for yourself! The more you add to your list of things to do the more overwhelmed you’re going to become.

3. Accept yourself like you would other people.

Don’t close yourself off from the world around you. Accept who you truly are as a person, as you would anyone else that you meet. Why treat yourself like crap if you wouldn’t treat someone else like crap? You are amazing just the way you are, and you don’t need to change yourself for anybody.

4. Don’t ignore your feelings.

Be aware of your own feelings and emotions. If you are feeling something, don’t bottle it up and push it away. Why? Because, that only makes the problem worse. Embrace how you feel so that you can work through them. Ignoring them will create more problems than you could have ever imagined.

5. Set some boundaries in place.

Do not be afraid to set proper boundaries in place between yourself and other people. This life is yours to live and you should be the one living it. Boundaries can be reassuring and calming in more ways than most people realize.

I know first hand that a lot of these things are easier said than done; however, in the long run, you will thank yourself if you commit. The better you take care of yourself, the better you will feel. Stop selling yourself short, you can and will get through anything life has to throw your way. It might feel hard right now, but in the end, everything will start to work out how it should.

Don’t let the people around you walk all over you and keep these things in mind. Even when it feels like you’re falling apart, stick to your guns. You’ve got great things heading your way and you might miss them if you’re not able to look close enough.

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