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When it comes to love, we all want different things but those things we want to do, do not always line up with what we truly need. Sure, we might want someone who will be there to hold us when we fall, but sometimes we need tough love more than we realize.

Below I am going to go over each zodiac sign and what those born under them tend to want out of love as well as what they seem to need. These things can line up pretty well, but they can also be very different from one another. Sometimes a sense of understanding is more than enough to kick things into gear, perhaps this article is exactly what you need to be reading right now.


When it comes to love, you want someone who will be able to share some fun moments with you when you’re actually free and able to enjoy their company. Someone who is going to be willing to do basically anything you ask of them for the most part, but that’s not what you need. You need someone who will remind you to slow down and ask you to take a break and relax with them. You need someone who is willing to butt-heads with you sometimes to make sure you’re taking proper care of yourself.

The Art of Slowing Down: A Sense-Able Approach to Running Faster could offer Aries valuable insights into balancing their dynamic energy with the need for rest and reflection.


When it comes to love, you want someone who will always be there for you and not take your trust for granted. That having been said, you need someone who will keep you in check. They need to be able to calm you down and keep you from flying off the handle, all the while being able to talk sense into you when you’re being a bit over the top. Tauruses working on flexibility might find “Mindset: The New Psychology of Success” by Carol S. Dweck enlightening. It can help them embrace change and understand the value of open-mindedness in personal growth and relationships.


When it comes to love, you want someone who can sit and listen to you speak all day long. Someone that understands you and to be honest in general you have high expectations for relationships as a whole. Instead of all of that you really just need someone who can bring order to your chaotic life. Someone that is both understanding and a little wild.


When it comes to love as a Cancer, you basically will take anything you can get, to be honest. You want that storybook picture-perfect romance, and that’s just not realistic. You need someone who will not use you, who will appreciate all of the things you do for them and put efforts into you as well. Someone who is patient with you and won’t jump the gun accusing you of things when you happen to be busy or don’t reply quick enough.


When it comes to love you’re always looking for the best you can get. You want someone who is going to be your ride or die in a sense, and that in many ways just isn’t realistic. You need someone who will help you shine but also shine with you. Someone who sees you for who you truly are. Most of the people in your life only stick around because they feel they can gain something from you, and those kinds of people will never be good partners, period.


When it comes to love, you tend to look for perfection and well, perfection does not exist. You need someone who is going to remind you not to be so cold. Someone that isn’t afraid to stand up to you, but also someone who makes you happy. While you’ll have ups and downs, you both really need to be able to take care of one another, both physically and emotionally.


When it comes to love, you want someone who going to give you all of their attention and spend most of their time with you. Someone that thinks about you almost 24/7 and isn’t interested in doing much of anything outside of being with you. This, however, is not necessarily possible. We all live our own lives, and we all have things to do outside our romantic lives. You need someone who will care for you and nurture you on the level you need, all the while maintaining their independence. Libras desiring a balance between attention and independence might resonate with The Dance of Connection: How to Talk to Someone When You’re Mad, Hurt, Scared, Frustrated, Insulted, Betrayed, or Desperate” by Harriet Lerner. It offers strategies for maintaining healthy, independent relationships.


When it comes to love you want someone who will let you remain in control and really bend to your every word, but that doesn’t usually come easily. You more-so need someone who will be able to spice things up when you’re bored and show you that they’re not going anywhere even when times get rough. You need a proper sense of trust, one that cannot be broken.


When it comes to love you want someone who will go on adventures with you and really help you keep things as fun as possible. However, you need someone who will ground you out and help you settle down some. Someone that isn’t afraid to stand their ground and make it clear that there are more important things in life than just having fun.


When it comes to love, you want someone who will make you feel cared for without you having to open up too much. You don’t like sharing and want them to be willing to remain at a distance within reason. That having been said, you need someone who will push through those walls you keep up and show you that being truly close to someone isn’t the worst thing in the world. Someone that has time and is willing to put proper efforts into showing you just how great you are. You need someone who can help you be more present in the moment.


When it comes to love, you want serious and quickly. You don’t like the dating scene and are quick to throw yourself into any relationship you find. This isn’t exactly what you need, though, you more-so need something that moves at a slower pace. You need someone who is going to play hard to get at first and really rope you in once you’ve gotten to know one another.


When it comes to love, you want someone who is as creative and wild as you. Someone who wants to sweep you off your feet constantly and who is willing to go the extra mile for you. However, when it comes to what you need things are a little different. You need someone who is strong enough to hold their own. Someone who won’t pull you down in the end. You need a connection that helps you and the other person grow together, instead of simply turning you into playmates with one another.

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