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On the 16th of this month, there will be a full moon as well as a lunar eclipse. This will not be a total eclipse but will still hold so many energies for us all.

For those who do not know lunar eclipses (even partial ones) are able to provide us with a lot of emotions as well as bring forth focus. During the time that this full moon/partial lunar eclipse is allowing its energies to affect us, we will all be facing different things. To see what your sign might be in store for please feel free to take a peek below.


This full moon/eclipse duo is going to bring you to a place in your own mind where you feel like you need to cut ties with someone who has been holding you back. While it sucks that it has taken you so long to notice the issues at hand now you will be able to move forward properly. Do not allow people to take advantage of your kind soul.


This full moon/eclipse duo is going to show you that you are ready for something new. You have been wanting to break free of the shell before you for quite some time and now might be your moment. Use the bravery that you’ve been locking inside and see where you end up.


This full moon/eclipse duo is going to remind you of how important it is for you to remain strong in times of heartache. While you’re going through some terrible things right now and you feel alone, you must remain true to yourself. You cannot change the lives other people choose to live and you must make your own path in your own way.


This full moon/eclipse duo is going to allow you to find the changes that you’ve been needing to make. You’ve been stuck in a rut for a while now and unable to move forward. Now is your moment to shine, take these things on and make them yours.


This full moon/eclipse duo is going to make you more willing to take things to a new level. You’ve been looking up for so long and hoping to reach the top that you’ve never stopped to appreciate where you currently are. You’re more amazing than you realize and you need to work to understand that better.


This full moon/eclipse duo is going to allow you to focus on the people you care the most about. You’ve been neglecting someone very important to you and that person needs you now more than ever. Spend some of your time showing those you love appreciation, it will work wonders in your life if you really make the efforts.


This full moon/eclipse duo is going to put your health on your mind. You are going to be finally taking care of your own needs and getting things situated. While you love to care for the people around you, you’ve been doing far more than you should for much longer than anyone else would have, this ends now.


This full moon/eclipse duo is going to provide you with a few romance issues topped with a sense of renewal. You’re going to be feeling out of place in your current relationship but also find the means to correct the issue before things get worse. This moment is going to bring you to a place you’ve never been before.


This full moon/eclipse duo is going to make you realize that you’ve made a serious mistake. While you thought you were at a place in your life where making this kind of commitment was a good idea, you now see that you were not. Everything is crumbling down in your own mind and you do not know how to stop it. Perhaps it is time to make some changes.


This full moon/eclipse duo is going to knock you off of your feet. You’re going to be face to face with a decision that is far harder to make than you imagined. While moving forward sounds fun those you leave behind might need you more than you could ever imagine.


This full moon/eclipse duo is going to offer you a serious opportunity that you cannot refuse. You’re going to be growing in ways that you might not have expected and working to be the best version of yourself that you can be. If you stick to your roots and live your truth this will be a positive situation for you for a number of reasons.


This full moon/eclipse duo is going to shallow out your creative side for a little while but it will also give you a much-needed break. You’ve been overworking yourself and refusing to stop and smell the roses. This moment is going to pass by quickly but it is going to leave you feeling quite rested and comfortable, enjoy it.