A project is known as the ‘Perceptions of Perfection Across Borders,’ a project that was started based on one simple question: how do perceptions of beauty vary across the globe?
In light of the fascinating insights from the ‘Perceptions of Perfection Across Borders’ project, readers might be interested in delving deeper into the topic of beauty standards and their impact on society. A compelling read is ‘Beauty Sick: How the Cultural Obsession with Appearance Hurts Girls and Women‘ by Renee Engeln, which offers an in-depth look at how societal beauty standards affect women’s lives, self-esteem, and well-being.
They took that question and ran with it, by enlisting graphic designers across the globe to photoshop the female form by making her appear attractive by the beauty standards held in their country. Their intent was, was to show just how unrealistic it is to meet beauty standards because they vary, simply as you cross a border.
The results of this study were beyond anything anyone could have prepared themselves for, as each woman looks almost entirely different.
Additionally, for those interested in exploring the historical and cultural evolution of beauty, ‘Survival of the Prettiest: The Science of Beauty‘ by Nancy Etcoff provides a fascinating exploration of beauty from a biological and psychological perspective. This book examines how perceptions of beauty have been shaped over time and across cultures.
When you look at this image, you can see just how unrecognizable the original image became, just with a few photoshop tweaks to make the image match the region’s beauty standards. Of the submissions, China submitted the thinnest submissions, Spain had the heaviest and China was the lightest.
The major takeaway from this infographic is that beauty comes in all shapes, sizes, and colors. There is no way we can reach every standard set by the world around us. Instead, it’s best to accept and embrace who you are and be true to her as much as you can be. What do you think about the infographic above?
For a more hands-on approach to embracing personal beauty and self-care, ‘The Beauty Geek’s Guide to Skin Care: 1,000 Essential Definitions of Common Product Ingredients‘ by Deborah Burnes is an excellent resource. This guide empowers readers to understand the ingredients in their skincare products, helping them make informed choices that align with their personal beauty standards.