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The new year is upon us, and with it comes much change for every one of us. And while there is much mystery behind this, the stars give us insight into what’s to come.

While 2021 may not have given us everything we wanted, it most definitely shifted things in a new direction. Along with the change and shifts came many challenges. This upcoming year will provide us with four eclipses in two different fixed signs, both Taurus and Scorpio. Additionally, we will see many more retrogrades, providing us with much opportunity to transform and set our focus.

According to InStyle here are the major astrological dates to look out for:

December 19, 2021-January 29, 2022 – Venus retrograde in Capricorn

December 28, 2021-May 10, 2022 – Jupiter in Pisces

January 14-February 3, 2022 – Mercury retrograde in Aquarius and Capricorn

April 12 – Jupiter conjuncts Neptune in Pisces

April 30 – Solar eclipse and new moon in Taurus

May 10-June 2 – Mercury retrograde in Gemini and Taurus

May 10-October 28 – Jupiter in Aries

May 15 – Lunar eclipse and full moon in Scorpio

September 9-October 2- Mercury retrograde in Libra and Virgo

September 17-October 24 – Saturn squares Uranus

October 25 – Solar eclipse and new moon in Scorpio

October 28-December 20 – Jupiter in Pisces

October 30-January 12, 2023 – Mars retrograde in Gemini

November 8 – Lunar eclipse and full moon in Taurus

December 29-January 18, 2023 – Mercury retrograde in Capricorn


At the beginning of 2022, Venus is moving in retrograde through your career house, pushing you to focus on what you want from your career. Later Mercury will be retrograding causing you to question your social life, and additionally, you will be hyperfocused on how your social life plays into your career.


With all four eclipses taking place in your sign, you are truly going to be taking another look at your areas of partnership as well as your journey. Don’t miss out on growth opportunities, even if it’s uncomfortable.


You focused on your partnerships last year, but now is the time to pick up the pieces and decide what is working in your relationships and your life and what is not. Mercury, your ruling planet, is going retrograde four times this year, causing you to ponder how you approach intimacy.


Throughout this year, you are going to be placing your focus on community. For a while now, you’ve been placing your focus more on intimacy, but now you will feel pushed to expand beyond that and into your community, friendships, and beyond.


This year will be your time to shine on a professional level. If you’ve been waiting to expand your career, now is the time. If you’ve been holding back on taking a leadership role, take the jump. With Taurus taking hold of the eclipses, nothing is beyond your grasp.


You tend to hang out in comfortable, more practical zones in life. Now is the time to extend beyond that. What have you been letting fall to the wayside? Make sure you tend to it.


This year will be a year of sexual discovery for you. While you tend to be a sensual sign anyways, you also tend to be a creature of habit. Make sure to extend beyond what is typical and into the unknown.


Throughout the year, you will be drawn to the opposite of what has been true for you for so long. You’ve always been fixated on one particular path, but as the eclipses push you in a new direction things are going to get shaken up but in a good way.


As a creature of adventure, you tend to look for exhilarating new pathways. However, this year, your aim will be on comfort and security. Focus on your daily habits, find routines, and enjoy the comforts of home.


Your tendency towards practicality can get the best of you at times, pulling you to a safe place. This year, however, you may throw practicality to the wayside for something more emotional. Trust in that.


For the last few years, you’ve been trying to find your place, Aquarius, but now, you are homing in, literally. With the North Node in your fourth house of home and family, you may find yourself trying to form or reconnect with lost family.


In the upcoming year, you will find yourself amongst abundance. Where in the past few years, things may have been falling behind causing you to question your direction, you are moving towards the goals you’ve been striving so hard towards.