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As we move through the last tiny bit of December 2020, the year 2021 is coming on strong. That in itself might be scary but overall it’s something to look forward to.

The year we are about to face is going to be one full of growth and change. It is going to help us find ourselves and show us what we’ve been missing out on. Below I am going to go over what some of the things each sign should be aware of that could be to come and well, the more you keep these things in mind the more you can deal with them properly as they manifest before you.


The year 2021 is going to remind you that you don’t need to be so closed off all the time. Some of your time should be spent putting your personal life first. While in the past you’ve been all work and no play, this year will show you that sometimes it’s important to stop and enjoy the small things.


While you’re the kind of person who tends to go out of his/her way to be in control, this year is not one that you have much dictation over. Things are not going to fit inside that box you’re used to forcing them into and it’s going to throw you through a loop. Understand that the unknown is not as terrifying as you typically would make it out to be.


Things are changing all around you for the better but you’re nervous beyond anything else. You need to get your emotions under control. If you don’t you might end up holding yourself back in more ways than you could ever imagine.


As a Cancer, you’re always doing new things and trying to fit in but this year is going to remind you that fitting in isn’t everything. Sometimes you just have to be yourself.


Stop cutting people out of your life for petty reasons. There is no sense in being so cruel and you know it. At the end of the day you’re doing more damage than good and the sooner you see that the better.


You are being held back in a lot of ways and in order to stop that from continuing as the year unfolds you need to open up more to the people you care the most about. They are going to be there to help you sort through the messes before you. That being said, if you don’t open up you won’t get anything done.


You are a very smart person but that doesn’t mean you don’t do dumb things from time to time. You are going to be making what feels like mistake after mistake as this year comes into play and it might have you feeling more lost than ever. Perhaps you need to slow down.


The coming year is going to show you that you need to focus on your home life and family overall. You’re putting too much into your work and it’s taking a toll on the connection before you. Time is not something you can get back, make the most of it while you have it.


You are someone who tends to get way in over his/her head and that’s what you’re doing now. You’re working too hard and taking on too much. This has to stop, if you want to make the most of 2021 you have to adopt some new more healthy habits.


You are about to go through something that helps you see things as they are. You are going to be shifting and facing your issues head on. As this manifests you may find that the changes before you are more intense than expected.


You are going to be going through a lot of ups and downs throughout 2021 but leaning on those who support you will help you get through it. You have a lot to deal with in this world and you don’t have to do it all alone. Things are piling against you but that doesn’t mean you can’t work through them.


The year 2021 is going to show you that it’s okay to be a bit held back and confused. You might be facing some kind of artistic block right now but that won’t last forever. You are still the same person and in time things will get better.