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As energies continue to rise, we’re all facing different things. The more time that passes, the more we are going to be able to get done within reason.

Below I am going to go over what each zodiac sign should be expecting in the coming week. This week is going to be one that takes us all by surprise. If you’re looking to get things done, this might be the week to really kick yourself in gear.


For you this week will be a period of renewal. You’re going to be making new goals and planning things out. You’re good at sticking to your plans and so, making them will do you some good.


This week is going to have you finally putting things where they need to be. It’s time to get organized, and you’ve got a lot of work to do. I know, it might be boring, but it’s something you should really set your mind to.


The week before you is one that will have you working hard and feeling exhausted. Just know that the hard work you’re putting in will pay off. Don’t give up before things get good.


As a Cancer, you’re focusing more in places you shouldn’t. You are not thinking about the bigger picture and slacking in areas you need to be focusing on. Stop wasting time and get things done.


As a Leo, you’re someone who tends to have everything put together, but this week is really going to be testing your patience. You’re going to be feeling like nothing is going right and well, that might be true within reason. When one door closes, others open keep that in mind.


This week is going to be something special. You’re going to be getting closer to the people around you and in good ways. Personal growth is headed your way whether you’re ready for it or not.


The week to come is going to be something that allows you to experience new things. You’re going to be trying things you typically wouldn’t, and you’re going to be realizing how nice it is. The more you do this, the further you will get.


Scorpio people this week are going to be feeling all over the place. You’re probably going to be a bit more upset than usual and well, it’s justifiable. Don’t let too much get you down but do be aware of the way you’re feeling.


This week for you is going to be intense, to say the least. You are going to feel way in over your head, and you might need to take a few steps back. If you need a break, take one.


The week before you is going to be frustrating because you’re going to be more upset than usual. Things are intense and you’re not quite where you want to be. Stop holding yourself back and let the good things come more into perspective.


This week is going to be something that reminds you that you’re where you need to be. You’re going to be making great strides to get things done and working hard to make things how they need to be. The more effort you put forth the better.


As a Pisces, this week is going to be one that shows you that your hard work is paying off. The more you try the better things get. You’re putting your efforts in the right places, that much you should know for sure.