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As Mercury finally leaves its retrograde, and enters into its shadow phase, we will see it entering into Aries around the same time the second part of a double Libra full moon takes place Friday. To add fuel to the proverbial fire, Jupiter just went retrograde, so if you have a lot on your mind, there is a lot of energetic change in the air.

But, wait, there’s more! Today, Venus, which represents love, beauty, vanity, and sensual passions is moving towards the Jupiter retrograde, at an angle that astrologists consider square. This will have many of us asking ourselves if our goals and aspirations are truly aligned with our values.

When it all comes down to it: do you really want this life you are working so hard for?

And as the official end of the Mercury retrograde hits on the 16th, it is entering the sign of action and passion, while leaving the emotionally charged sign of Pisces. For many of us, there is something we are leaving behind that was surrounded by our emotions and then charging ahead, but where?

While Libra’s full moon urges us to leave behind that which doesn’t serve us, we need to pay attention to how our emotions impact our decision-making skills before charging ahead too quickly.

The moon will wax throughout the week until it finally peaks Friday, leaving ample time for us to sit down and reflect, while we ask the stars for guidance. What do we truly want and need? We are being called upon to take charge of our life, and this is wonderful. But do not lose sight of your true needs.