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The last full moon of 2020 is upon us as you may already know it is set to take place on the 29th. This full moon is one that holds very powerful energies that welcome change which is exactly what we all need right now. 

This full moon and the energies it brings can be used to our advantage if we know how to go about making the most of the things before us. Now, to begin if you want to make the most of things you need to remain as grounded as possible throughout it all. If you do not ground yourself you may get too caught up in the things going on and essentially throw yourself off. That might not sound too hard but depending on what you end up facing it can be and you need to accept that above all else. 

Astrology King wrote as follows going over the energies we should be expecting, knowing this will help you better understand what you may be facing:

The December 29 full moon sextile Uranus brings positive change and excitement. Fixed star Alhena is a very positive influence that brings health, honor, and riches. It seems like this full moon is well-timed for the Covid-19 vaccine release and the easing of restrictions.

So full moon December 2020 is excellent for leaving your comfort zone, meeting new people, and trying something totally different. It is especially good for breathing life into stale relationships and resolving lingering relationship problems with a partner or family member.

The December 29 full moon lasts for two weeks up to the January 10 new moon. It works in combination with the December 14 solar eclipse. That eclipse gives the energy and initiative to set new goals and act on your plans with confidence.

Now, during this time it is important to remember that while you should speak your mind you should also hold back any things you may say out of anger or fear. Those things are not thought out properly and they usually are things we do not mean to say but instead say in the heat of the moment. Getting caught up in the heat of the moment is going to be a big issue for a lot of people while these energies are present, that much I can assure you as this moon will be in Cancer and highlighting our emotional sides. 

Using the time that these energies are present to really dive into the past year of your life and figure out where you’re headed is going to be one of your best options. While 2021 might not be far away, it feels like it is to some which is kind of odd when you think about it. The coming year is going to be one that really takes hold of us all and the more we know about what we want the better. 

While there are no set rituals that can or will help with this entirely, you can make one of your own. I suggest a simple candle ritual or perhaps something to do with leaving the past behind. Writing things out and then tearing them up to free yourself might do more good than you expect. All in all, this full moon is one that we should embrace as best we can.