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In yoga, mudras are important. While they might not sound like or look like much, they can make a huge difference in how our energies flow through us.

Mudras according to Yogi Times are something derived in word from Sanskrit. The word means ‘sealing in the energy.’ They are basically hand gestures and finger gestures that enhance our experiences in meditation and yoga as a whole. There are different ones for different things and well, when you know which ones to you it can really give you an energetic advantage.

In this article, we will be going over the Kubera Mudra. This mudra is one that is very important. According to, Kubera, the word itself is also Sanskrit which is something you will find quite common when it comes to things of this nature. However, this word stands for the name of an important ‘Lord of Wealth.’ When meditating or doing yoga this mudra should be used when focusing our energies on things like abundance and working to achieve more in life.


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To nie Włochy, ani nawet włoski gest! Dzisiaj #środazmudrą 👌 Jako Dobra Wróżka przynoszę Wam dobre wieści – mudrę spełniajaca marzenia 🌟 KUBERA mudra, bo o niej mowa, pomaga utrzymać skupienie na dobrobycie, dzięki czemu przyciąga pomyślność (zarówno duchową, jak i materialną). Połączenie trzech palców – kciuka, wskazującego i środkowego symbolizuje połączenie mocy, świadomości oraz stabilności. Mówi się, że dzięki temu gestowi generujemy energię spełniających się życzeń. Jakie są Wasze marzenia? Zastanówcie się i usiądźcie do medytacji. 11 minut dziennie wystarczy… 🌸🌸🌸 . It is not Italy, it is #mudrawednesday with Italian gesture👌 As a Good Fairy I am bringing good news today – a mudra fulfilling dreams 🧚‍♀️ KUBERA mudra helps to maintain a focus on well-being, thus attracting prosperity (both spiritual and material). The connection of three-fingers: thumb, index and middle finger symbolize power, consciousness and stability. It is said that thanks to this gesture we emit energy that brings the desired abundance and fullfilling wishes 🌟 What are your wishes? Think about it and sit in meditation. 11 minutes daily is enough 🍀 . #goodluck #mudra #kuberamudra #createyourluck #yoga #esotericknowledge #duchowosc #szczescie #marzenia #bogactwo #dobrobyt #luck

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As you can see above, this mudra is a very simple one. It doesn’t require much to do and can be used with your eyes open or closed. Each finger used in this is symbolic the thumb represents forcefulness, the index finger represents growth and the middle finger stability. When we bring these fingers together, we are able to work to transmit energies into the universe that help bring about prosperity.

Yogapedia wrote as follows explaining a little about this mudra:

Kubera mudra is a hand gesture (hasta mudra) used in yoga to focus on abundance and prosperity – both spiritual and physical. The term comes from the name Kubera, a Hindu demi-god of riches, and mudra, which means “seal,” “imprint” or “gesture.”

To practice this mudra, begin in a comfortable seated position like ardha padmasana. With palms facing up, bring the tips of the middle finger, index finger, and thumb together, while folding the ring and little fingers into the palms. Rest the hands in the lap or on the thighs.

To learn more about this specific mudra and how to do it properly take a peek at the video below. Doing things like this can make a big difference in how we all move forth. I for one think this mudra works well when it comes to manifesting and it is one I turn to often.