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July has kicked off with a bang, with not one but two massive sign changes and shifts. Not only has Mars moved into the patient and practical Taurus, but Mercury has also moved into family-oriented and emotionally attuned Cancer.

Due to this, likely, we will all be feeling the need to slow down and focus on what is right in front of us. And this slowdown can be extremely beneficial to us, allowing us time to spend with our family and friends, while refocusing on what matters. Additionally, we will see a full moon in Capricorn on July 13th, which will help us to manifest some major goals with a more practical and disciplined approach.

Of course, this energy can vary from person to person and sign to sign. Here is how it will affect your zodiac sign.


If you play your cards right, you are in for a prosperous month, Aries. Mars will find its way into your house of finance, pushing you to reach for the stars. As far as money goes, it’s a great time to push for a promotion or start that side hustle you keep pushing off.


Mars will find its way into your sign on the fifth, leading you to feel a burst of confidence and a push of urgency to get things done. The main thing is to not focus on too many things at once, and instead, channel that energy into one important project.


Typically, you are pretty social and expressive, but at the beginning of the month, you are likely to feel more withdrawn than usual. Take this time to regroup and gather yourself and take some time for reflection.


Due to Mars moving towards your area of objectives, you are going to feel a need to broaden your horizons and look at things in a new light. At the same time, Mercury will be moving into Cancer this month, which will allow you a bit of clarity and a rational mindset to move forward to tackle the issues before you.


Your month will have a motivated start, but shortly after you may feel the need to take some time to yourself. This time to yourself will be exactly what you need though, so take it. By the time the full moon comes around, you will be feeling the motivation again and have exactly the practical approach needed to tackle the rest of the month.


With Mars in your zone of ethics and Mercury in your humanitarian and social zone, you are going to be feeling pushed to use your voice to help others. And with the full moon taking place in your area of creativity, it might help your efforts to allow that inspiration to guide you into using other means of expressing yourself and allowing your voice to help others.


Your love life is going to be on fire this month, so now is a great time to enjoy some special time with your partner. If you are single, try to put yourself out there and go on a few dates. It’s likely that regardless of your relationship status, this is going to be a lucky month for your love life.


With Mars in your opposing sign, the beginning of the month may feel a bit tricky. However, as the month goes on, the full moon will have you feeling more content with the everyday momentum of life. Despite this being a relatively busy month, you will find it rewarding to just stay mindful and enjoy the simple tasks to get things done.


This month will begin with a little bit of workplace tension that will reach a climax around the second or third week of July. Amid all of this, the full moon will be challenging your house of finance, which may lead to some frustration and anxiety. However, as Venus changes signs on the 17th, you will finally find some relief.


Expect your life to feel a surge of electricity around the fifth, which will kick off your month on a good note. This surge of excitement and passion will help you to revamp your relationship and find common ground. Then, on the 13th the full moon will be in your sign, allowing you a moment to shine.


Your month will be pretty quiet and peaceful after a tense start. Because the full moon is in your spiritual zone, you should expect some time for self-reflection. Then by the 17th, your zone of relationships will be lighting up, allowing you to reignite the passion in your current connection or to push forward to something else entirely.


Despite typically being more introverted, July will have you feeling more social. Take advantage of this and reach out to old friends and take some time to enjoy yourself and have fun.