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We’re about to be facing a penumbral lunar eclipse in the sign Capricorn during the thunder moon. This event will be quite powerful and brings something different for each of us within reason.

This lunar eclipse is a very positive event and will be offering us all a chance to make right our wrongs as well as giving us a much-needed break. If you’re wondering what to expect while these energies are present in your life, you may want to take a look below. Each sign is going to hold something different and with that, we should all do our best to be aware of what is to come. This eclipse will occur on the night of the 4th which is sooner than most realize.


This eclipse’s energies are going to have you feeling more tuned in to your emotional state. You’re going to be more willing to open up and let others in. This is very different from how you normally are.


The energies this eclipse brings will have you feeling quite confused as you come to a crossroads of sorts in your life. There is a lot going on around you and it’s hard for you to handle. Sure, you do well under pressure but even this is a bit too much for you.


The eclipse we’re facing is going to be pushing you to reevaluate your relationships. There are people in your life who need to be kicked from it whether you want to move on from them or not. The longer you wait the worse you’re going to feel in the end.


This eclipse might leave you wondering what you can do to better yourself. Yes, you are a kind person who tries hard for others but there are things you need to deal with inside of your own being. You are about tor realize that sometimes working on yourself first really pays off.


This eclipse might not feel intense right now but as the energies from it ramp up you’re going to be feeling them more than others. This eclipse is going to remind you to slow down and show you that sometimes you don’t have to be in charge. Let someone else take the lead and see where you end up.


This eclipse is placing you before some exciting things. You’re facing a lot of opportunities. Don’t mess things up, stick out the pain, and work through the frustration, you’re going places.


The eclipse coming up is going to make you feel more frustrated than anything. You’re going to be on edge quite a bit and wondering where you need to go in life. There is a lot of soul-searching for you to do.


Eclipse energies always seem to have you out of whack and this one is no exception. You’re getting a serious wake-up call from the lunar eclipse we’re about to face. You need a change and that change won’t happen until you take the initiative to make it happen.


This eclipse will have you putting your feet in one place for once. You’re going to be feeling stuck but also not wanting to go anywhere. This is something you’re not used to and you should use it as a chance to learn. While this is irritating its important. Hear those around you out.


This eclipse happens in your sign and for that reason, you’re facing a lot. You’re going to be seeing doors open up all around you but not know which to go through. Take some time to think about things before you make your moves.


This eclipse for you is going to be intense. It’s going to have you feeling out of your mind. The more conflict you face with others the more upset you’re going to get. Learn to remove yourself from certain situations.


This eclipse is going to have you feeling all over the place. It’s like your heart is pulling you one way and your head is pulling you another. Right now you need to work on feeling better not finding love or figuring out your life. You’ve got time for those things later. Just focus on being a bit more content in the world around you.