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As we continue to move through September we’re facing energies that will help us in a lot of different ways. Mars is retrograding and well, the new moon is going to be heightening the energies it has brought forth.

You see, this new moon that is set to happen on the 17th will be a ‘problem solver.’ It will be showing us things we otherwise would be ignoring and helping us to find more stability in our everyday lives. That being said, some of us might feel quite frustrated as these energies come forth depending on how they manifest in our lives.

Mars’ retrograde is all about slowing down and for some people that’s not easy to swallow. As we see more and try to make sense of how we need to be treating ourselves some of us may become quite lost in it all. Remembering to love ourselves during this time is not going to be easy but it will be important.

Astrology King wrote as follows on this new moon and the energies it may hold:

The September 17 new moon has a similar influence to the August 18 new moon. The same long term influence of Mars square Saturn causes delays, restrictions, and frustration.

Each new moon also forms the same aspect pattern with Mars and Saturn. The dominant triangle that represents a crisis related to problems of growth that affects all areas of life. But different aspects means the problems can be resolved much quicker and more easily in the September 17 new moon.

The harmonious state of resolution of the new moon September 2020 astrology should lead to achievement, recognition, satisfaction, contentment, and higher self-esteem.

The September 17 new moon lasts for four weeks up to the October 16 new moon. The best time for starting new projects is during the waxing phase of the moon, from the September 17 new moon to the October 1 full moon.

We’re all heading in different directions and the future is not clear. As we challenge things and try to open the right doors, we will also need to learn just how important our own well-being is and do our best to think things through before diving into them.

I know, these things might sound a bit confusing but bear with me, if you’ve been feeling stuck this might be your chance to unwind and figure things out for once. While relationships will go through trying periods, those who work hard will make it through all of this.

Things are not always what they seem. This week is going to be packed with powerful energies and we need to make the most of them. Don’t fall behind but also do remember to relax and let these energies work their wonders in your life.