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Fall is right around the corner! That means cooler weather, Halloween, and many other more exciting things. And there is so much fall fun in store for the following 5 zodiac signs.

It will be an exciting time for everyone, of course. So, don’t be sad if your sign doesn’t make the list. You can still partake in the fun of fall, so be sure to hang your Halloween decorations with pride, and if pumpkin spice is your jive- get you some!

With that being said, here are the five zodiac signs that are going to have the best time during fall.

1. Virgo

Fall kicks off with Virgo season, so it only makes sense that Virgo is going to have a great time. And while it will admittedly start with Virgo feeling a bit stuck between two realms of existence, one being secretive and the other being deeply reflective- you will soon find your comfort zone. Not only that, but as the month begins to unfold, you will find clarity in a way that you haven’t experienced in a long time. Take this reflective period to set your intentions for the upcoming season.

2. Scorpio

Fall will bring amazing new transitions for Scorpio. Not only will it kick off with a hyper-focus on your career and professional life, but it will also help you to find more confidence in yourself. During this time, you may start looking at your role as a leader and truly seeing yourself flourish. To relax and rejuvenate- you will likely be feeling the urge to escape. Take time to get some rest, and snuggle up in your favorite sweatshirt with your favorite person or fur-baby. By the end of the season, you will be in a full-blown social butterfly zone.

3. Sagittarius

Sagittarius will have an extra good fall- with their finance situation finally seeing some relief. And not only will you find relief in this area- you are finally going to see some growth. Just be sure to invest it wisely and put it to good use. As Mercury enters your 12th house, you will likely be feeling a need to help others. Try signing up to volunteer at your local food drive, or find other methods of volunteering in your community.

4. Pisces

During this season, Pisces will be feeling drawn to tidying up their personal life. You may feel lost in your to-dos in the beginning, but as it all unfolds, you will find your routine and fall in love with it. Once you have found your groove- nothing will be holding you back from accomplishing everything you felt blocked to accomplish earlier this year.

5. Capricorn

Fall will prove to be a happy season for Capricorns. You will likely feel closer than ever to your favorite person, and also feel a strong need to focus on your spiritual beliefs and personal philosophies. As the season goes on, you will likely see a powerful shift in intimacy taking place. With the previous months and seasons leaving you a bit disconnected, this will be a welcome shift.