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There is going to be a full cold moon very soon and with that, a major energetic shift is taking place. The full cold moon this year is going to be in cancer and because of that tells us that we should all expect change.

This December moon is going to really bring forth a sense of honor that we have not felt in quite some time. Those touched by this moon will be feeling much more ready to nurture the relationships and connections that mean the most in their lives. During this time, most of us will be working towards finding abundance despite all of the confusion going on within.

This moon is referred to as the full cold moon because it is the full moon of December and so coincides with the winter solstice most of the time. It is associated with the time in which days grow colder and nights become much longer. Uranus will be influencing this particular cold moon and because of that, we will not be feeling as angry as we have been in the past few weeks while the energies of this moon are present.

Because full moons are usually times in which we are highlighting opposing forces within our lives we usually learn a lot from them. You are going to be much more focused during the time these energies are before you but how you use them is up to you. Your personal life will be moving forth to the spotlight and a lot of exciting things might be coming forth.

Astrology King wrote as follows in regards to this full cold moon:

This is a good full moon to find original ways of doing things because of your inquisitive and inventive nature. You might receive flashes of insight to solve lingering problems in an instant. Chance encounters can also provide valuable information. You are more likely to stumble upon some critical piece of information while surfing the net. Chance encounters may lead to instant attraction and new friendships.

Your mood may become changeable and somewhat odd. However, you should feel comfortable expressing a more unique side of your personality. The lowering of your inhibitions is what facilitates the change and excitement. Importantly, this also makes it easier to share your feelings with loved ones, especially after the anger and hostility or recent weeks. This is also a good full moon to break old habits and replace them with something new.

This full moon could make or break some things that are going on before you but if you do your best with what comes forth you should come out on top. Hopefully, as time passes everything will die down and you can move into the new year with a positive outlook. Let go of any grudges or hard feelings you’ve been holding onto and allow things to progress properly.

While it might sound like a lot, it will feel quite muted in comparison. These energies are nothing to be afraid of.