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The new moon in Gemini begins on May 30, 2022, and will mark the ending of the eclipse season. As we all begin to settle and find ourselves once more after all of the immense change that has come with the eclipses, the energy of the new moon is about integration.

During eclipses, we are pushed towards fated change, and it can be intense, to say the least. Gemini as an air sign is a sign of clarity, intellect, and expression, guiding us through the ending of the eclipse season, and allowing us to digest all of the recent change.

New moons by themselves represent new beginnings. They are a time to start anew and to manifest new intentions, marking the true beginning of a fresh start.

Another transit that will be taking place at the same time is Mercury retrograde square Saturn. During this time, many of us may be feeling tense and even a bit negative, if you begin to feel this energy emerge, try your best to channel it into a project or some hard work. If you cannot do that, try to take some time to yourself to realign.

The new moon in Gemini will align with the fixed star Aldebaran, which is associated with abundance, honor, and success.

Despite the energy of Mercury retrograde square Saturn, in contrast to eclipse season, this new moon should be a walk in the park. Take some time to sit down and write down all that has happened. Mark your accomplishments, and mark your weaknesses. Now that eclipse season is all said and done, where will you go now?

Another good way to use this energy to your advantage is to plan some time for self-care. Do some yoga. Meditate. Take a hot bath, and sip some tea. Turn off your television and put away your devices and take some time to focus your conscious awareness on healing your mind, body, and spirit.