One mom by the name of Laura Belvin is truly changing the game when it comes to posing beauty photos online. As she posts more and more mothers everywhere cannot help but relate to just how real she is.
Known online as Knee Deep in Life, Laura Belvin recreates popular photos and puts her own spin on them in some of the most hilarious ways. She does not go out of her way to glamorize her existence and in that really shows just how chaotic and sometimes wild being a mother can be. With almost three hundred thousand likes on Facebook, she is becoming quite the sensation.
One particular post that got me onto her page and watching her antics was of her trying to squeeze into some Spanx. That video alone has been viewed over five million times and counting. Her ‘about‘ on Facebook states “I’m a Mum, wife, daughter, sister, friend and I’m that person you avoid eye contact with in the playground. I’m currently mummying the s*** out of life.” I don’t think anyone could explain her better, she is a fireball and I mean that in the best possible ways.
According to The Mirror Laura has been married for seventeen years and wants her blog to be a beacon of positivity for women across the globe. They note that when her oldest son was born Laura suffered from post-natal depression and that her experience throughout that was what led her to begin creating. She says her children are very supportive of her and her posts online as her eldest even used the Spanx video I mentioned above at show and tell (which she was mortified about). While her light-hearted and cheeky posting online has gotten lots of hate sent her way it does seem the positive far outweighs the negative.
She is all for promoting positivity and wants to encourage others to laugh with her. In a recent post, Laura even mentioned that she knows what it is like to feel anxiety, feel suicidal, and how important support is in this world. She wants to help others feel more empowered and mentions that she intends to continue forth on her journey whether people like it or not.
Part of that post reads as follows and offers a message we can all get behind:
“I will continue to wave our flag, high and wide, I will scream from the rooftops that we are worthy, that we matter and that together we can conquer even the tallest of mountains! No one person can get out of this thing called life alive, so it’s probably best we go skidding into that grave by the seat of our pants leaving behind the most incredible memories of how we did matter, and how we helped everyone to believe the same about themselves along the way. “
To see some of Laura’s relatable versions of popular photos take a look below. I am sure most will have you in tears. Being perfectly imperfect is something that makes Laura who she is and that is nothing to be ashamed of. With her husband taking all of her photos for her and her loving family by her side, Laura is ready to take on the world.




Oh and as for the viral Spanx video above, you can check that out by clicking here but please be careful, you might die from laughter. To see more of Laura and all the crazy things she does follow her on Facebook or Instagram. You can click here for her Facebook or click here for her Instagram.
(Image Via: Kneedeepinlife/Facebook)