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As we move forth the end of December is near. You might feel like energies are dying down at the moment but the truth is, they’re just getting started.

As this last week of December rolls out you will notice just how hectic life truly is. You feel like you’re on one path and headed in the right direction only to find that you’ve got a few new things to work through before all is where it should be. During this time we all need to keep in mind that when one door closes another opens. Just because you’re having a rough time finding the one that opened does not mean it didn’t open.

As we finish out this decade there are a lot of celestial events to come. There will be a new moon/solar eclipse duo on the 26th and Mercury will be moving into Capricorn on the 28th. From now and well into the New year, energies are going to be ‘interesting’ at best. Positive change will present itself before each of us, and we will all be feeling as though we’ve somehow gained a positive hand in luck as a whole. 

With the Solstice portal still seemingly open and working to close itself right now, we all have more drive to get things done but are also being thrown some interesting challenges along the way. While some of the things before us are completely insane, we have to face them if we want to get where we are going as a whole. Just because it blows your mind doesn’t mean you cannot figure out a way through it.

In regards to the solar eclipse energy coming this week Astrology King wrote as follows:

Solar eclipse conjunct Jupiter brings happiness, optimism, generosity, and good luck, with opportunities for personal, professional and spiritual growth. It gives an enthusiastic urge to do all you can, to spread your wings and experience life to the fullest. The keyword “expansion” applies to all areas of life, from relationships to wealth.

This is an excellent solar eclipse begin new studies or long-distance travel. But also relationships, investments, business and legal matters started under this influence have a great chance of success. A solar eclipse with Jupiter also promotes spiritual growth and self-understanding.

Solar eclipse trine Uranus brings excitement, pleasant surprises, and stimulating encounters. Higher self-awareness comes through increased intuition and flashes of insight. These insights together with increased self-confidence and a sense of adventure allow you to express the more flamboyant, or kinky side of your personality.

Increased personal freedom, creativity and curiosity make this a great eclipse for leaving your comfort zone and trying something new. Chance encounters could lead to stimulating new relationships. This is also a good time for making changes in your life because they should flow smoothly and cause less upset than you might think.

Jupiter trine Uranus brings lucky breaks and exciting encounters. You should feel less restrained, more optimistic and adventurous, and willing to take risks without being rebellious. If you are a shy or conservative person, this aspect helps you loosen up and go with your instincts.

If your life has stagnated, exciting opportunities will offer a new path forward and satisfy your need for positive change. You can learn things quickly through experience, such a new language or style of art, music or dance. Spiritual practices like meditation and astrology can lead to a spiritual growth spurt and expanded awareness.

This new moon solar eclipse duo will hold power over us for several months to come and the more we work with these energies the better. Of course, some of them will be hard to follow but if you remain driven and focused, you can figure things out. Mercury in Capricorn on the 28th should be more than capable of kicking your mind into gear. 

We will all find that it seems things are a lot easier to get done while Mercury is present in this sign. You might end up being more capable of taking life as it comes forth and finds that the issues before you are not as complex as you initially thought they were. Through diving within you will come to understand the external world as well. 

Christmas Eve

On Christmas Eve we should all be expecting the Sun to be trine Uranus. This will be something that allows us to express the side of ourselves that we tend to hide. We will be more capable of allowing our own uniqueness to shine and be more progressive in the way we move through our own ideas.

In regards to this Astrology King wrote as follows:

Transiting Sun trine Uranus is an exciting time when increased intuition and flashes of insight lead to self-discovery and revelations. These insights combine with increased self-confidence, to allow you to express the more unique or quirky side of your personality. Your keen perceptive skills means that you can better understand studies of science or the occult like astrology. You will feel like trying sometime new, outside your normal routine. This could range from new adventures to new inventions. An excellent time to leave your comfort zone and widen your social circle with some extraordinary people.

Christmas Day

While there are no serious celestial events occurring on the day of this magical celebration in 2019, that does not mean it will not be a day full of energetic shifting. Because of everything that has been happening and how emotional this day is for some, there is no denying the shifting that will likely occur. Because this day is right before some of the other events noted above it will likely be quite charged and have us wanting to put the spotlight on ourselves and others.

For more information on some energies that we will be facing please check out the video below. While there isn’t much to worry about, we will still be quite on edge and going through a lot as things unfold. Sure, 2020 is almost here, but we still have a lot to get through before then.
