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June is kicking off and jam packed with energy! The New moon in Gemini is happening On June 10, followed by the annular solar eclipse.

The Gemini new moon on Thursday, June 10, 2021, is also an annular solar eclipse. It is conjunct Mercury RETROGRADE and square Neptune. So it is safe to say that energetically speaking we are all in for a doozy. Mental confusion and deception are on the horizon.

The solar eclipse June 2021 is also influenced by fixed stars that give self-confidence and courage, but also reckless and belligerent behavior. What we are all going to need for the next few months is a good dose of caution and honesty.

A New Moon

A new moon is also a time of rebirth, a time when we are really given the chance for a fresh start. Commit to personal goals. Take the time to improve your communication skills by listening to other people. Take the time to socialize and enjoy other people, and re-evaluate communication and social skills by questioning just how much time we actually take to take in information, not just waiting for your turn to talk.

Some of the lessons that Gemini offers is the chance to be comfortable with other people, putting them at ease and feeling at ease ourselves. Instead of just trying to prove your points, just enjoy the moment. Empathize with the people that you are talking to and truly hear them out.

Eclipses trigger changes that are necessary in order to proceed in your own life journey. They help to provide you with the extra energy needed to move forward and onto something new.

According To Astrology King,

A solar eclipse is just like a regular new moon where the Moon passes between Earth and the Sun. However, a solar eclipse is more powerful because the Moon darkens the Sun. Solar Eclipse June 2021 is an annular solar eclipse so not all of the Sun will be darkened. In this type of partial eclipse, the apparent diameter of the Moon is smaller than the Sun’s, leaving a ring of light around the eclipsed Sun.

The strongest and most important aspect of astrology is Sun conjunct Moon. It gives an invigorating burst of energy and initiative. But it also brings emotional balance, not irrationally emotional, and not too cold and calculating. It means all possibilities are on the table and you can rightly put yourself at the forefront of new plans for the future. So this is an excellent time for making a fresh start, turning over a new leaf, or starting a new project. You can also question old habits, behaviors, and beliefs as you search for new and inventive ways to make progress.

Solar Eclipse June 2021 Aspects

Solar Eclipse conjunct Mercury puts the focus on your thinking and communications, and short-distance travel. Expect an increase in personal interaction in your neighborhood, with siblings, schools, and over the internet. So this will be a busy eclipse phase with lots of appointments, correspondence, meetings, social activity, new information to process, and decisions to make.

This alignment would normally enhance your rational thinking, communication, and social skills. However, with Mercury in retrograde motion and this eclipse square Neptune, your thought processes are likely to become distorted, leaving you vulnerable to confusion and deception.

Mercury retrograde brings communication and technology breakdowns, nervous anxiety, travel delays, and lost items. You can also expect to dwell on things, reminisce about the past, or unexpectedly meet up with people from your past.

Take extra care with your words and try not to react too quickly in any arguments or if provoked. Double-check all of your emails and posts before hitting the send button. Business negotiations will be in a state of flux, so be extra careful about signing contracts. Some important details will not yet be available, and others may be unreliable or dishonest.

Solar Eclipse square Neptune can have a weakening effect on your vitality, making it hard to get motivated or enthusiastic about anything, especially hard work. Events or other people can cause confusion and disappointment. You may feel insecure, guilty, and apologetic.

Personal relationships may be subject to dishonesty and deception. Secrets will be harder to keep and harder to uncover. Seeing only the best in people increased the chance of becoming disillusioned or worse. Over idealization and gullibility can lead to loss, scandal, or slander. To counter these deceptive influences you must be above-board in all of your dealings

You could also be more susceptible to some psychological and health issues. Paranoia and hypochondria are possible but you may also be more susceptible to infection and poisoning. Health problems may be difficult to diagnose or there may be a misdiagnosis. Religion and other forms of spirituality or ceremony will help out if you start to lose faith.

Mercury square Neptune causes confusion, deception, insecurity, and misunderstanding. Distorted thinking can complicate discussions and business dealings. So it is important to listen carefully and speak in simple, clear terms. Allow no room for misinterpretation. If you must deal with any important business, government, or legal matters, seek professional advice or help from a trusted friend.

You really must avoid treachery and scandal. Even little white lies could lead to major embarrassment or the need for more convoluted cover-ups. Avoid conspiracy theories or strange and extreme spiritual and religious views. Protect yourself against loan sharks, pushy salespeople, cult leaders, and psychic vampires. You may be more susceptible to inflection, poisoning or overdose.

Saturn square Uranus climaxing on June 14 brings restrictive change or unexpected restrictions to the Solar eclipse June 2021 astrology. It can bring change that you don’t want. It also makes it harder to make the kind of changes you do want.

This can be a very frustrating time of rising tension and sudden, expected changes. But it does not have to be like that. If you stay open-minded, patient and flexible, what at first seem like challenges, can be turned into opportunities to rid yourself of negative, restrictive, and limiting things in your life.