While many people love getting tattoos, not many people consider asking their artists what kinds of inks are being used. As someone who is getting work done, you should always be aware of the things going into your body.
While shops and artists, in general, are made aware of this kind of thing sometimes things go without being recognized, the FDA has recalled several kinds of tattoo inks and made a clear post in regards on the 15th of May. These inks are said to be contaminated with microorganisms of which were not explained in detail. The kinds of inks involved in/included in this recall are Scalpaink SC, Scalpaink PA, Scalpaink AL, Dynamic Color Black Tattoo Ink (lots 12024090 and 12026090), Solid Ink Diablo ‘Red’ (DBA Solid Ink/DBA Antone’s Ink lot 10.19.18).

Recalled tattoo ink manufactured by Scalp Aesthetics (USFDA)

Recalled tattoo ink manufactured by Dynamic Color (USFDA)

Recalled tattoo ink manufactured by Color Art (USFDA)
The FDA wrote as follows on their website in regards to this recall:
The FDA is alerting consumers, tattoo artists, and retailers of the potential for serious injury from use of tattoo inks that are contaminated with bacteria. Tattoo inks contaminated with microorganisms can cause infections and lead to serious health injuries when injected into the skin during a tattooing procedure, since there is an increased risk of infection any time the skin barrier is broken.
Commonly reported symptoms of tattoo-ink-associated infections include the appearance of rashes or lesions consisting of red papules in areas where the contaminated ink has been applied. Some tattoo infections can result in permanent scarring. Indications of an infection can be difficult to recognize as other conditions (e.g., allergic reactions) may initially have similar signs and symptoms, leading to misdiagnosis and ineffective treatments.
Because allergic reactions, in general, can react in a similar way to what is described above, it is important that you are as aware as possible of the inks being used to tattoo your flesh. These contaminations were brought to light through the FDA’s FY2018-2019 inspections and so far only these six are included. These inks should not be used or sold and if you see them please make sure that those in possession are made aware of the issue at hand.
As a customer/consumer you should always make sure you’re getting the information you need from your artists. Do your research and make sure you’re going to a safe and clean shop that keeps up with the regulations and things put in place to keep everyone safe. I strongly suggest taking the time to ask your artist what kinds of inks are being used on your skin and checking to make sure they are not recalled, when it comes to things like this you should do your best to be as aware as possible.
To learn more on this topic please feel free to check out the video below. If you think you or someone you know may be affected by this recall please feel free to reach out to the FDA directly for more information. Click here to check out their recall alert. The agency is currently working with retailers and manufacturers to get these contaminated products off the shelves and resolving the issue as quickly as possible.