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As we get closer and closer to the night of the full moon or as some refer to it the ‘full harvest moon’ we are feeling some pretty out of place energies. Things are building up and each sign is taking on different emotional stances during this time. 

While the full moon is not set to occur until the 14th we’re going to be feeling a bit weird in the week before and perhaps the weeks after. This full moon for some is going to highlight their dark side and force out parts of themselves they otherwise wouldn’t be allowing the world to see. Below I am going to go over what that could entail for each zodiac sign and how to work through it. What might your sign be in store for?


You are going to be causing a lot of misunderstandings as the days leading up to this full moon move forth. You as a person are usually quite confusing and always willing to argue which is not necessarily a good thing. Maybe you should try to work on this so that those closest to you don’t end up leaving your side.


Sure, you’re feeling a bit more calm than usual but that might not be a good thing. Are you dealing with the emotions coming up in your mind or are you closing yourself off? Bottling is never a good idea and you’ve been told this time and time again.


For you, pleasure is going to be highlighted for several weeks to come. You’ve been in quite a funk lately and unable to get out of your comfort zone but all of that is about to change. Someone is going to show you the affection you’ve been waiting for and how you react to it is important. If you are not careful you might ruin everything.


This full moon is going to offer you a lot of energy which is both a good and bad thing. You will find that someone you know is making their feelings known for you and perhaps working towards starting something new and romantic but are you ready for that? Don’t dive in unless you’re here to commit. In the past, you’ve wasted the time of all you’ve dated and moving forward that is not something you need to keep at.


Sure, you’re going to be given some great news but what good is that if you have no one to share it with? This full moon is going to have you pushing people closest to you away in some of the worst possible ways. If you don’t apologize your relationships might never be repairable.


You are a very jealous person and this full moon is going to remind the world of that. Spending time with the people you love the most might give you the reinforcement you need if you allow it to. You have a lot more in this world than you realize you do.


Being more patient will help you tremendously during the time that the influence of this full moon is present. You are always trying to get things done and work hard but what about those moments when you need a break? Sometimes sitting back and relaxing isn’t a bad thing, please keep that in mind.


Spending all of your time feeling bad for yourself isn’t going to help anything. You of course, have been through a lot lately and your pain is valid but you cannot let that pain control your life. You are not defined by those things and you are stronger than you think.


You have a lot of negative habits and this full moon isn’t going to give you the chance to hide any of them. You’re going to be forgetting all about the most important things in your life and working to jump ship again. If you do this now you’re going to regret it so perhaps fighting back the urge is what you should focus on for now.


Yes, you are a very direct and hardworking person but that isn’t always enough to place you where you need to be to get what you want. You need to stop focusing so much on the things around you and look into the eyes of those who care the most about you. Your goals are not as realistic as you think they are and you’re hurting those closest to you in more ways than you can see.


Positive changes are headed your way but you’re also going to be losing someone who was and still is very important to you. Your desires are going to get the best of you and perhaps this means you’re going to be making a very big mistake. You need to be thinking through everything that you are doing as times move on, mistakes cannot always be corrected.


You aren’t going to be very patient during the time that this full moon holds influence over you. You’re going to be on edge and ready to break free of something you might not be able to come to terms with just yet. While you will be quite excited the positive changes headed your way are going to be quite overwhelming and if you cannot handle all they are bringing forth you might really need to take a step back.