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As this year has gone by it has been pretty hectic and while things seem to be slowing down a little, they will be speeding back up before you know it. The coming new moon will be your last chance to take all of this in before moving into 2020 and so, you need to embrace it.

This new moon will be in Capricorn and take place on the 26th of December. This just after Christmas and on the same day as the solar eclipse. While the solar eclipse itself will be strengthening the new moon as a whole being able to take a moment to process everything is going to be crucial when it comes to how you move forth.

Anytime the moon itself is in Capricorn we gain some pretty useful energies. We become more cautious and at the same time also much more serious. Rather than jumping into things and wasting our time we think things through and make decisions based on how they will affect us moving forward. 

In regards to the energies new moons in Capricorn offer us, wrote as follows:

New Moons are always a time of new beginnings. Our calendar New Year begins with the Sun in Capricorn so the Capricorn New Moon is like the beginning of a brand new personal year. We think of it this way because it’s a time when we set our intentions for what we want in the year ahead. These goals become like a mountain, and that mountain becomes the object we set out to climb. Luckily, Capricorn has a determination that equips us with the patience, discipline, and persistence to reach the top.

While we will be ready to get going and seeing our goals clearly, we will also be taking the time to really let everything sink in and process before diving into the unknown. This new moon will as noted above be your last chance to really breathe before everything else takes effect and grabs hold of you. Using your time wisely as this new moon unfolds is crucial.

Use this time to think things through and get your plan in order for the coming decade. While 2020 is not quite here yet, it is gaining on us quickly and will be here very soon. The year 2019 might not have been the best year but it was one that taught us a lot. Understanding those lessons and letting go of the patterns our past has created for us is important for truly being able to step into 2020 on the right foot. 

Let go of any wounds you were still carrying and come to terms with your emotional self as a whole. The energies before you are going to work wonders in your life if you allow them to. We cannot hide from all that is to come and so embracing it with open arms is the best option for all of us.

For a little more insight on what you should be expecting during this time please check out the video below. It contains a crystal reading that could reveal exactly what you need to hear. I for one cannot wait to relax a bit during this new moon even if just for a moment.
