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As we move forth we are getting closer and close to the end of the month of July. While July has been hectic and chaotic at best, it has been a month we’ve managed to get through as of yet. 

Tonight on the 20th, we will be facing a new moon. This new moon is going to be in Cancer and for the next couple of weeks, it will hold power over is. This new moon while a bit confusing for some will really provide us with the chances we need to take in order to truly move forward.

Now, this new moon is one that like most brings us all a sense of renewal and recharging. During this new moon we will be facing lots of opportunities and well, if we don’t open the doors before us we will end up feeling quite left behind. While these energies are here we should allow them to work in our lives. We need to stay as focused as possible and really work hard to manifest our goals.

The more determined we are the more we will be capable of getting done in this time period. I know, that might be easier said than done but please remember the Universe will not place you before something you cannot handle. Have more faith in yourself and your abilities. 

Astrology King wrote as follows on the energies of this new moon:

The July 20 new moon is opposite Saturn so it is therefore serious, melancholic, and restrictive. It suggests tests and challenges could make you feel frustrated, pessimistic, and held back.

The best way to deal with such a repressive influence is to work hard with patience, determination, and persistence. But fixed star Procyon conjunct new moon July 2020 has just the opposite effect. It makes you restless, hasty, and argumentative. And this impulsive and aggressive influence is amplified by Mercury square Mars.

Thankfully Procyon also makes you driven and valiant, with the will-power and ability to put thoughts and plans into action. While difficult Saturn aspects also encourage you to think deeply and struggle hard in the face of adversity.

So this is a new moon to focus on the basics. Tackle one thing at a time and start with the most important task. Be patient, avoid taking unnecessary risks, and do not react to provocation. Struggle valiantly!

Remember that you shouldn’t be getting too in over your head, take things as they come forth and really think them through before making the next step. You can do this. You are capable of so much more than you will ever truly know.