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While it might not always seem like it, there are some very gifted people of the zodiac. We all gain different things based on our signs, but some of the signs seem to gain more than others.

If you’ve ever had a friend who was able to pick up on the things you were feeling without you even explaining things to them, they might belong to one of the following signs. These are the zodiac signs that tend to be most tuned into the energetic world. While there will be exceptions to this, most people born under these signs are able to read other people on a level that is quite mind-blowing.


The Taurus can tap into the things other people are feeling and can tell when they get cold feet. Because the Taurus is so reacting, people tend to try and hide things from him/her. That being said, those efforts are usually all for nothing.


The Cancer usually can feel when someone has changed their way of thinking or if they’re trying to use them, whether they end up acting on these feelings or not. While they usually keep toxic people around, they know these people are toxic. They can feel themselves being drained and in a lot of ways it leads to them being more moody overall. You are the company you keep once all is said and done, right?


The Gemini is someone you cannot lie to. One of the reasons why the Gemini is such a master communicator is because he/she can pick up on things other people cannot. When someone feels out of place, the Gemini knows how to make them feel at home and can tell what is going on in their minds.


The Virgo can smell bullshit from a mile away. They are patient and give the person holding that negativity time to come forth, and then they shut it down quick. While this sign knows that their help often goes overlooked, they do their best to keep the overall mood of things as it should be. Sure, Virgos are pretty critical, but not usually without reason.


The Leo is someone who can feel shifting when it is happening. For instance, if someone is in a good mood and something changes that the Leo will pick up on it. The Leo is able to tell when someone has been hurt and often will go out of his or her way to make things right, even if the whole issue had nothing to do with them at all in the first place.


The Scorpio can see the walls that other people hide behind. If someone is being fake, they can pick up on it relatively quick. You can’t just show them your mask and expect them to accept it as is, things won’t ever go over in that manner with a Scorpio around. This in many ways could explain why the Scorpio is not quick to let other people in.


The Sagittarius is very energy sensitive and can tell when he or she has worn out his or her welcome. Their intuitive side is not something they can ignore, and it makes them feel as though they need to move on. This in many ways could be some of the reason why the Sagittarius is so flighty.

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