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A recent study has found that mothers who earn more than their male counterparts tend to take on a majority of the chores. The study, conducted by the University of Connecticut and published in the journal of Sociology of Education, sheds light on an often-overlooked aspect of gender dynamics in relationships.

The study surveyed over 1,000 married or cohabitating couples with children under the age of 13. Researchers found that when mothers earned more than their partners, they tended to do more of the housework as well as the child care. This was particularly true when the couple help traditional gender beliefs when the mother believed that it was her responsibility to take care of the household and children.

The study also found that when mothers earned more, they were more likely to report feelings of guilt about not being able to do more for their families. This guilt was compounded when the mother believed that her partner was not doing enough to help around the house.

These findings challenge the notion that higher-earning women are more likely to have partners who take on a greater share of domestic work. In reality, the opposite seems to be true: when women earn more, they take on more domestic responsibilities, often due to societal expectations and gender norms.

This study highlights the need for greater recognition and support for working mothers. Women who earn more than their partners should not be expected to shoulder the majority of domestic responsibilities, and men should be encouraged to take on a more equal share of the housework and child care. This is not only fair, but it also benefits the entire family, as research has shown that fathers who are involved in their children’s lives have better outcomes in terms of academic achievement and mental health.

To address this issue, employers can offer more flexible work arrangements, such as telecommuting or flexible hours, to allow parents to better balance their work and family responsibilities. Policymakers can also implement policies that support working families, such as paid family leave and affordable child care.

In conclusion, the study shows that gender dynamics in relationships can be complex, particularly when it comes to household responsibilities. Mothers who earn more than their partners are more likely to take on a greater share of the housework and child care, even when they hold traditional gender beliefs. To support working mothers, we need to challenge societal expectations and promote more equal sharing of domestic responsibilities between partners.