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Saturn went direct on the 6th and now, we can finally begin getting back to normal for good. Karma will no longer be weighing down on you and anything that has been bothering you will no longer seem as intense.

Now that Saturn is finally direct, once the new moon is over your emotions are going to finally be at ease. Saturn rules our Karma and while in retrograde it has been wreaking a lot of havoc on all of our lives. Anything you have done in the past has been really bringing you down for some time now.

Moving forward is going to be much easier in the weeks to come. You will no longer feel so heavy or burdened. Saturn now that it is functioning properly will be able to replace all of your negative thoughts with positive ones. Below I am going to go over what each zodiac sign should be expecting in the days to come while not all of these things will be easy to deal with they will be doing a lot of great things for us all in the end.


You are going to be finding comfort in your home life that you haven’t had in a while. You’re going to be getting along with people that in the past few months you’ve been arguing with like crazy. You can expect this to last for a good while if you continue on as you are. The more time you invest in the people who care for you the better things will be.


You are going to be feeling a bit out of place but not in any kind of bad way. Saturn has been pushing and pulling you apart for a while now and you’re just exhausted. Now that things are finally getting back to normal you don’t know how to act. You are so used to having to fight the world to stay in one place and now nothing is moving.


The days to come are going to be quite interesting for you. They will be full of emotion and you will be very high in energy. You might be getting some very good news at work so, keep an eye out for that.


You are going to be finally standing up for yourself in the days to come. People who have been taking advantage of you are not going to be allowed to do so any longer. This is a monumental moment for you and you should really appreciate all that comes with it.


You will not be dealing with any of that confusion now that things are as they should be. Saturn will be pushing you towards new opportunities and good ones at that. Everyone who seemed to be upset with you before is going to finally see things as they are. You are going to have a wonderful week, don’t worry.


The past few months have really kicked your ass but all that is changing now. While your friends might not have anything nice to say, they do have a lot of truths to bring to your mind. Don’t let their words hurt you, just listen and see where things go. Something interesting is going to happen in the days following Saturn going direct. While you might not need to be on edge, you need to keep your eyes open.


The day that Saturn went direct you felt very strange. That is because your energy in itself has shifted. You are going to be facing a lot of positive things in the financial world. Do not waste any time looking back. As a Libra, you tend to get the short end of the stick but not this time.


Now that several planets have gone direct you have probably noticed how relaxed you have become. You are becoming more passionate and less serious. Your mind is now clear and you are free to really pay attention to the things that matter to you.


You are no longer feeling that discomfort that has been bothering you for the past few months. You are secure in your finances and home life. Everything is starting to fall into place. You can really see the bright side for once and it feels great.


You have really been feeling stuck for a while now and you’ve felt as if nothing you could do would make it any better. Now, you can finally get out of that mindset. You will be able to make your way out of the dumps and into the light where those who care for you have been waiting. Don’t worry, this is not too good to be true.


Saturn going direct will also bring with it good news for you. While this news is unexpected it is really going to change everything. Don’t worry, no matter what happens something good will come in the end.


You have been really upset for the past week and now that Saturn is direct you can move forward with a smile. You are going to be getting yourself into some trouble as the days pass, but that trouble isn’t going to be as troubling as it might seem to begin with. Once you understand the situation, you will realize how happy you are going to be once all is said and done. Perhaps something amazing is well on its way.