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As we move through November, we’re about to move from Scorpio season into Sagittarius season. While this might not sound like much, it brings a lot of issues for those trying to work on things with the people they love the most.

Sagittarius is a powerful flighty fire sign and when it is in control it brings out the worst in some of us. We end up being more rebellious and not as willing to dive into the things we need to dive into. Sure, some signs will be benefiting from this when it comes to romance but not all of us will.

Sagittarius season is going to be nuts and we should all work to be as prepared for it as we possibly can be. Below I am going to go over what each zodiac sign should be expecting and while there will be some exceptions overall this is quite the guide. Don’t be afraid but also don’t close yourself off the making the changes you need to avoid the toxic things that might be headed your way.


During Sagittarius season, the Aries is going to want to jump ship now more than ever. While that might not be the best idea for you, it’s something you feel like you need to do. Be aware that if you do this now, you cannot go back and fix it later, think through the things you’re considering above all else.


For the Taurus, this Sagittarius season is going to be intense. You’re going to be on edge emotionally and it might leave you feeling like you’re not good enough for the person who cares the most for you. Perhaps now is the best time to work on self-love because you are more than enough.


Sagittarius season for you is going to have you feeling like you’re finally moving forward, which you are. You’ve got a lot going on and the progress you’re making is not going unnoticed. When it comes to love, things are going to be looking up.


Stop ignoring your partner. If you keep wasting their time they will not stick around. Sagittarius season is not going to be doing you any favors.


Sagittarius season might not always be the best to you but this time around things might end up feeling more stable than usual. That being said, you’re going to be facing issues that feel like they’re too much to deal with. If you want to make things work with the person you care about, you need to need to put in the effort to make things better.


Stop worrying so much about how things are going to turn out during this Sagittarius season you need to be more present with the people around you. Your partner feels like they’re not getting enough attention and as someone that cares for them, you need to make things work. If they’re not feeling good enough you need to be there to build them up and help them to be more aware that you still love and care for them.


When it comes to love there are some challenges before you. Stop wasting your time with the people who refuse to show you the care you deserve. This Sagittarius season is going to show you that you need to put yourself first.


This Sagittarius season is all about finding yourself and you don’t feel like you can do that with the person you’re dating. If you need to move on, go for it. Make sure you’re putting your happiness first, above all else.


This Sagittarius season is going to be intense for you and while you might not be able to make the changes you need to make right now, if you allow the growth before you to happen, things will work out. Life and love can be complex in a lot of ways but you’re smart enough to know that there is always going to be a light at the end of the tunnel. You can’t be as present as you want to be in your relationship if you’re always thinking of someone else, period.


Sagittarius season has you dwelling on things from your past. If you’re not able to get over the things your partner has done, quit wasting their time. They aren’t toys to be played with, make up your damn mind.


Sagittarius season has you all over the place and running around like you’re unable to catch a break. If you really want to make the most of the holiday time before you perhaps you need to stop taking on so much. Your lover would be happy to see that you were making time for them and you could really use a bit of romance to spice things up.


Sagittarius season has you wishing you had someone to love and while you do on some level, you’re not sure if it’s what you want. Now is your chance to figure out what you want. If this isn’t it, move on.