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Family karma is something we all have on some level. While some people have more of it than others, we all have it whether we are aware of it or not.

Family karma for those who do not know is karma built up by those tied to your soul. It is from generations of the past and carries on into the lives we are currently living. While it varies each time we incarnate here in this world, it is something we should all do our best to be as aware of as we can.

If you are holding onto negative family karma or paying for something from long ago, you may not realize it, and it could be taking a serious toll on your life as it is right now. The only way to really figure that out, in a nutshell, is to begin working to heal it. Once you do that everything is seemingly out on the table, and you can work to progress further as you see fit.

Below I am going to go over some of the better tips for releasing this kind of thing and healing on a deeper level. These tips can and will allow you to work through this kind of thing and in the end, may be enough to put you on the right track. Family karma sucks and can really hold us back, we should never ignore it.

How To Release Family Karma:

To begin with, you need to be honest with yourself above all else. You need to do a lot of meditating and soul-searching to figure out more about what it is you’re facing as a whole. If you are noticing specific blockages and things of that nature in your chakras and so forth working through them first is a good step.

From here you need to cut karmic ties that are no longer serving you. While a lot of people think these ties only represent things and people from your current life in my experiences that is not necessarily true. You can cut karmic ties from past lives as well and from things that are holding you back within reason. If there is a karmic thread present between you and someone or something that you’ve outgrown emotionally or spiritually, you need to make that cut.

After all of that is done you should begin to feel a lot better. It will be like a weight has finally been lifted off of your chest and honestly, it’s quite freeing for a lot of different reasons. That being said, you’re not entirely done here. You still need to work to move forth and make steps towards the life you want to live. Once you begin doing that is when true healing begins as a whole.

I know, this might sound like a lot, but it’s actually much simpler than it may appear as. From here you can achieve so much and begin stepping through life without any karmic family baggage. Transforming the residual energies from all of this is the last step and should be something you are capable of the more you continue to take steps towards your own future.