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If you grew up around your grandparents, then you likely already know how much of an impact they have on your life. It’s like having a second set of parents by your side throughout your life, but it honestly goes far beyond that.

And while we all likely can assume some of the benefits, did you realize that there are science-based reasons as to why a present grandparent is a blessing to your children? Up until doing a bit of research on the topic myself, I had no idea how much of an impact grandparents can have on a child. Now, I cherish the time I have had with my grandparents that much more!

Here are 6 benefits to raising your children around their grandparents:

1. They have a built-in support system.

According to a study carried out by Oxford University, children who are close to their grandparents experience fewer emotional and behavioral problems. Additionally, they are more equipped to deal with traumatic life events. Why? Because grandparents help to provide them with a sense of security.

2. Parents are more confident in their parenting when their parents are present.

In another study that was carried out, researchers observed how the presence of grandparents affected the parents. What they found was that especially for mothers, when their parents helped them to co-parent their child, the mothers felt more competent and better equipped to be the best parent they could be.

3. Having an intergenerational identity increases their resilience.

In other research, scientists have observed that when children feel more connected to their grandparents, they felt like they had more control over their lives. In turn, they were more resilient than children who did not have their grandparents around.

4. They are less prone to anxiety and depression later in life.

In a 2014 study carried out by Boston College, researchers found strong links between having a good relationship with your grandparents and lower levels of depression in adulthood. According to the researchers, this is likely because they feel more competent from the life experience and advice they get from their grandparents.

5. Grandchildren help their grandparents live longer.

And while having a grandparent around your child can benefit them, it benefits the grandparent as well. For the grandparents who had their grandchild close to them, science shows they tend to live an average of five years longer than those who don’t.

6. Children raised around grandparents maintain better relationships with others.

Another interesting benefit to point out is the fact that research has shown that when grandchildren have present grandparents, they are more likely to maintain close connections to other family members. Researchers believe this is because they grow up feeling a community tie, which keeps them connected to their community of family.