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As we move through the end of July and into the beginning of August, we’re about to face the full moon. This full moon will be a powerful one and with that, it might emotionally charge us in more ways than we’re currently expecting.

This full moon as noted above will be in Aquarius and occur on the 3rd of August, 2020. This specific full moon happens to fall just as some interesting celestial events occur which will give it a much more positive charge. While full moons overall are meant to bring focus in our lives, this one will do so much more than just that. 

This moon is going to be square Uranus and opposite Saturn. Those two celestial events in themselves are quite powerful and while one brings erratic energies the other forces serious decisions. They are conflicting in many ways but also somehow work well together in the long run. 

Astrology King wrote as follows on the energies we should be expecting from this full moon:

The August 3 full moon square Uranus brings unexpected changes that can be emotionally upsetting. Open-mindedness and flexibility will help you adapt to changing conditions and take advantage of exciting new opportunities.

Mercury opposition Saturn, plus the full moon on a Saturn-Mercury natured star makes the Uranus changes more challenging and difficult to deal with. Patience and a positive attitude are needed. This is even more important because the August 3 full moon combines with the July 20 new moon for form a moon phase that lasts for the next two weeks up to the August 18 new moon.

The July 20 new moon was opposite Saturn so is causing restrictions, tests, and hardship. A serious attitude and hard work are needed as you struggle against the odds. Stay focused on your goals with determination and persistence.

Now, according to this full moon is going to be one that really helps us come to terms with our ideas and the things that we can do to help others. This full moon because of the Aquarius energies will help us to really understand the relationship between ‘teamwork and individuality’ as a whole. While we’ve got a lot of work to do, we’re also growing in big ways.

Don’t let your emotions break you down too much during the time these energies are here but don’t ignore them either. They are before you for a reason and working through them will do wonders for most of us. I know, things are hectic right now but as time passes the future will even out more properly. There is still time to get back on track.