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Many of us look to the stars for guidance, and forget that tarot cards and the zodiac go hand in hand.  For each sign, there is a card that can be called on, and these cards can help us manifest everything we have ever wished for and so much more.

Below I am going to go over each card that I drew for each sign regarding manifestation for January of this year. While you should take these kinds of things with a grain of salt, they can prove to be much more accurate than most are willing to admit. What might be heading your way?

Aries – The Lovers

The Lovers show that you should focus more on the person in your life you care for the most. You’re either deep in some kind of romantic tie or have a special friend that is truly weighing heavy on your heart. Respect, compassion, and so much more is finally where it needs to be in your life.

Taurus – Eight of Pentacles

The Eight of Pentacles shows us that you are working very hard to improve your own skills and working to become stronger and more impressive. You’re going to concentrate more and be much more determined in your life. While it might be hard sometimes, manifesting right now is a good thing for you. Sure, you won’t be able to see it but there is a lot going on in the background.

Gemini – Three of Cups

The Three of Cups reveals that you are at a place in your life where celebrating is important. You’re getting the support that you need and moving forward in a more prominent manner than usual and focusing on friendships and connections. As time passes, you’re going to be coming across a lot of wonderful moments.

Cancer – Nine of Pentacles

The Nine of Pentacles is a very interesting card, it reminds you that you have come so far and reveals to you that your labors are finally paying off. You are now able to reap the benefits of all the fruit you’ve grown. Everything is falling into place and you might feel quite amazing.

Leo – Ten of Cups

The Ten of Cups is all about emotions and happiness. You have found something amazing in your life and feel as if you are finally where you need to be. You are sharing some kind of deep connection with the people around you and that connections should be cultivated.

Virgo – Three of Swords

The Three of Swords tells us that you are going through a period of pain and disappointment. You feel as if your heart has been pierced and you are blaming others for things that they might not have much control over. Be as positive as possible and work to help yourself grow during this time.

Libra – The Tower

The Tower brings awareness to your need for change. Something serious is about to come in and knock your socks off. While there is no assuming whether this will be good or bad, you can be as prepared as possible by being as open to it and ready for it as possible. Don’t obsess or fear what might be to come, just address each thing as it presents itself.

Scorpio – Ace of Pentacles

The Ace of Pentacles reveals that new beginnings are underway. While this might be a bit uncomfortable it is coming forth for a reason. This could be a new job offer or some kind of unexpected sum of money. Do not close yourself off, embrace all opportunities.

Sagittarius – The World

The world is making it known that you are finally where you feel you need to be. Something serious is coming to an end but not in a bad way. You feel as if you are finally getting the closure that you’ve been needing and it is a truly beautiful thing.

Capricorn – Six of Wands

Six of Wands is a card that appears when you have accomplished something important or overcame some kind of serious obstacle. You are well on your way to where you want to be. As time goes by,  you will only get stronger. Keep at the path you’re on.

Aquarius – Temperance

Temperance reveals that you need balance in your life. You are about to find something you have been looking for without even realizing it. Now is the time for you to really allow yourself to recover from all that you have faced.

Pisces – Queen of Cups

The Queen of Cups is telling us that you are currently working to nurture those around you and that you are being quite empathetic. You are very much tuned into your intuition and able to allow others to express even their deepest emotions to you. This could mean great things for you and really makes it known that you are flowing more properly with the energies around you.

Image via Hip Latina