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May marks a massive astrologically significant month for us all. And while all of these events are going to be significant, and in many ways exactly what we need, they are also going to put us in energetic overload.

Mercury Retrograde

To begin with, yesterday Mercury went retrograde, and as you likely know, when the ruling planet over communication begins spinning backward, things tend to get a bit chaotic. While this energy can be intense, it can also positively benefit us, by pushing us to dive inward and reflect on how we express ourselves and communicate with others.

With this one falling under the sign of Gemini, it may make things feel a bit unclear at first, pushing us to re-examine our expression styles and to think differently about our current mental blocks. As this also coincides with Saturn in Aries, there will be an additional undercurrent that will be sending us off into a retrograde.

Saturn’s energy is all about expansion and growth, and Aries energy is gung-ho and motivated. When combined, these vibes tend to make us motivated towards change, but with the Mercury retrograde also affecting us, we may likely feel a bit unclear on where to get started.

Blood Moon Eclipse

Soon after this retrograde begins, on May 15, we will see a total blood moon eclipse, which is also a full moon in Scorpio. During a blood moon, we feel pushed to release, let go of the past, and what is no longer serving us to make room for what is to come. Because Scorpio is all about what lies beneath the surface, and digging deep, we may be feeling some past secrets emerging from the depths of our soul, and even some difficult emotional wounds we have been covering up re-open.

While this is likely to be a bit painful, we must heal and move forward. And while it won’t be a secret or a hidden aspect of ourselves for all of us, for others, this need for release can be a person that is toxic to us, a bad habit that is preventing us from becoming our best self and several other things.

A blood moon eclipse pushes us towards fated change, which alone will be intense. But on top of that, there will be many other energetically fueled transits. It may seem a bit scary or even overwhelming, but all of this change comes to us to push us forward and to help us heal. Rather than fighting this energy, working with it is best.