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Pluto will officially be direct on October 2nd-3rd and in Capricorn which finally allows us to move forward in our own ways. Pluto is a very powerful celestial body and the more attention we pay to it the more positivity we can embrace within our day-to-day lives.

When Pluto was retrograding we were all working hard to uncover whatever truth we had locked inside and now that it’s going direct we’re finally being given the chance to chase our dreams. Right now is our chance, to be honest, and open on a raw level that will allow us to take the actions we’ve been needing to take. Everything you’ve been wanting is going to be highlighted as the days continue to pass and remaining still isn’t going to do you any good. wrote as follows in regards:

Tiny but powerful Pluto, the planet of truth and transformation, goes direct on October 3, 2019, after five months in retrograde.

That sounds intense, right? Well, it is: When Pluto starts moving forward, all of our deepest desires and secrets will begin to surface.

While Pluto was retrograde, we were more inclined to turn inward and bury our deepest truths and wishes. But Pluto Direct is like a green light to confront the darkest parts of ourselves and others. This isn’t a negative thing, but rather it’s a way of bringing truth out into the light so it can be dealt with. This works as a catalyst on both personal and planetary levels, so we can all expect Pluto’s powers to transform our lives in one way or another now.

In astrology, Pluto is the God of the Underworld and ruler of Scorpio. We tend to associate this celestial body with growth and rebirth as a whole and the more we feed into it the more transformed we become. Whether you’re focusing on love or spending some of your time trying to get your life together in other ways, Pluto going direct is going to promote great strength for us all. While Pluto isn’t retrograding anymore that doesn’t mean it’s not going to be doing things for us as we continue to look harder at our personal experiences.

If you’ve been reassessing relationships or other areas of your life during Pluto Retrograde, it’s now time to stop thinking about making those changes and truly take action.

For more on this whole ordeal and how it could end up affecting you please feel free to check out the video below. You are headed for greatness and should be embracing all that is coming your way. Perhaps the things you’re facing are going to bring more positivity than you can handle? I guess only time will tell since Pluto will be present in Capricorn for quite some time we have a long way to go.