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If you really want to see something amazing, spend some time looking at the sky in the middle of the night. As of late, things have been quite beautiful out there in space, and well, from Earth we’re able to see some amazing things.

Right now in the night sky you can see things like Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, the moon, and well however many shooting stars you’re willing to wait around for. With the moon nearing its new phase, we should be able to see lots of things quite easily. The stars and other things around us will be much brighter because the moon won’t be taking away from them.

While the planets noted above will be visible with the naked eye and not hard to spot, using a telescope or binoculars is always much more ideal. Those kinds of things really enhance the things we’re able to see and makes our view of these planets even more intense. If you want to know where in the sky to look for these planets or others you can click here add your city in and go from there.

Now, there is also a meteor shower going on right now known as the Orionid meteor shower. This shower will be lasting into the beginning of November and while it isn’t peaking until the 21st of this month (October) it will still be producing shooting stars each night. Once it gets dark if you want to see any of these things all you have to do is go outside and start looking up. Some will be more visible than others but overall, if you’re out looking up you’ll notice something special.

It should also be noted that the moon tonight is in the waning crescent phase. This meaning it is just before the new moon itself. For those who do not know the new moon will be on the 16th. During this phase the moon is growing smaller and smaller. It is a very thin crescent and well worth checking out. I love full moons a lot but the crescent in itself will always be something I adore seeing as well.

With the moon so dim and dark, we should also be aware that the constellations overall will be much easier to see and choose from the rest. If you want to spend some time picking them out and naming them off, now could be a great time to do exactly that. To learn more about what October has held and still has to old when it comes to the sky, take a look at the video below.