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Vannessa Williams is a certified astrologer and talented tarot reader who works with Numerologist, a YouTube page specializing in astrology, numerology, and tarot readings. In this particular personalized reading, she hits the nail on the head.

To begin, Vannessa asks us to find a calm place from within. She guides us for a moment through a breathing exercise and then goes on to explain that at times, it can be difficult to find a sense of peace. And honestly, that is so true. Sometimes, life can get chaotic. Especially right now, with holiday plans, gifts to buy, and then everything else that life is throwing our way.

Despite this, she emphasizes how important it is to gather our breath and regain focus and mindfulness. After taking a moment to truly focus on the present breath, she asks us to pick a number between one and three, to represent one of three cards she is going to pull. I highly suggest asking you guides, your higher self, or your higher power to guide you to the right card.

Once you have done that, she provides detailed information for the card you have chosen. Here are the three cards and her explanations of each. As a professional tarot reader myself, I have to say, this is a spot-on reading!

Card 1: 3 Of Wands

You are at the finish line, and it is time to appreciate what you have manifested. Look around at your current situation and recognize that this is something that you have pulled in and attracted. Recognize that on the outside, there is a reflection of what you are feeling on the inside. This is a moment of responsibility that will humble you. Then use this experience to clear the issues that are negatively affecting you. If you see something negative in your life this week, do the act of duty of trying to see where you are at. Do not put the “other” to blame. See where you are expressing this outwardly.

December is the 8 energy of what goes around comes around. Everything you are doing is coming back around to give you a sense of ownership, power over your life, to recognize that you now have the opportunity to put out something beautiful that comes back to us. It is recognition that when we push energy out, it is coming back. Notice that small little occurrence to allow the empowerment that what goes around comes around and acts accordingly.

Card 2: 8 of Pentacles

Continue to work hard in order to adorn yourself in these labels. These labels can be chains because we feel we have to uphold that standard. These accomplishments are feeling like a label that we are trying to shrug off. We are trying to show the world that we are more than just our accomplishments. The two blocking energies preventing you from seeing how much you have accomplished is heartbreak seeping into your dreams. If you are a good person who has achieved so much but is still able to be deceived, betrayed, or offended–this is causing heartbreak.

It will be hard to appreciate all of your accomplishments when you are repressing the lack of peace. There is a lack of confidence, and insecurity that you are working on in the astral world. This week is showing you that it’s time to do your own work. Pull a tarot card to identify the source of the heartbreak. You can also analyze your dreams for more information on this heartbreak source. By finding the heartbreak source, you can continue to move forward and accomplish beautiful things

Card 3: Lover’s with Queen of Cups

There is a feminine energy Pisces, Scorpio or Pisces. They are a soul mate, karmic connection. There is an opportunity this week to see what the karma is with the Queen of Cups. You can work on repaying the debt by acting in the opposite position. Forgiveness is key because the Queen of Cups is a karmic connection that needs to be released.

I’ve included her video below because I truly do enjoy hearing her talk, and I find (especially as a tarot reader) that looking at the images on the cards and how they relate to one another and oppose one another can give you even deeper insights. Another suggestion I have, is to look at the images of the cards and ask yourself “What message is this card sending me right now?” You’d be surprised at how much of a story the card will tell you, if only you listen.