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If you’re a mom and you feel like you’re in serious need of a vacation, you might not be alone. Apparently, a lot of moms end up feeling as if they need a good break or a ‘momcation’ and well, it seems they honestly should be taking them from time to time. 

According to Fox 5 moms need to take solo getaways from time to time, right now being a good chance for that as Summer is very soon going to be coming to an end. This because a study from just last year seemed to suggest that moms overall seem to work so much for their families that it is as if they are working two full-time jobs with overtime all by just taking care of the home and children. Sure, some people might look down on Mothers who stay at home and do not work a traditional job but honestly, the things they do are not anywhere near as easy as most make them out to be.

The study noted above came from Welch’s grape juice according to KYMA and suggests that the average mother works about 98 hours a week, yes you read that correctly. This kind of thing can really put a strain on her and leave her feeling that mommy burnout which it seems is something that a good short vacation away from the family can really help kick to the curb. Even just two days away enjoying herself can make a huge difference in how she feels moving forward.

Fox has also noted that psychologists really think that women should be spending time alone without their kids and husbands. These ‘momcations’ help them to have a better connection with their kids and partners and really does seem to work wonders in their lives whether others understand them properly or not. While you might feel bad at first, there is nothing wrong with needing a break and honestly, you deserve it.

Grown & Flown wrote as follows on ‘momcations’ and honestly, these words might help you see things more properly:

Taking a momcation is necessary and most of us don’t even realize it. We push through our days trying to tell ourselves if we can just hang on until bedtime, we will be fine.

Every other job allows you take time off because it’s necessary to perform your best, and that’s how we need to view motherhood. While we can never completely disconnect from our kids and families, nor do we want to, we need to prioritize taking time for ourselves whether it’s with a friend, relative, or solo.

It not only makes us appreciate our kids and the daily grind in a way we can’t if we never get a respite; time away rejuvenates us and our families reap those benefits too.

The Wisconsin Medical Journal found that “Women who take vacations frequently are less likely to become tense, depressed, or tired, and are more satisfied with their marriage.”

Since that first getaway, I’ve made it a point to try and stick to a habit of taking a weekend for myself at least a few times a year, and I notice a huge difference when I don’t.

It has shown my teenagers that I know how to prioritize myself and my life isn’t centered around them every moment. Now that their social life has picked up and we are getting closer to the time they will be moving on and out of the house, they see an independent mom who isn’t afraid to be alone, or go have fun with girlfriends.

I’m glad I took that initial first trip. Although I was really nervous and wanted to stay home more than I wanted to go, I knew deep down in order to be a better mom and wife I needed to do it.

To learn more about all of this take a look at the video below. Yes, this is a thing and perhaps it is something you should be looking into. Your trip doesn’t have to be expensive and lavish, you could even just go into town and rent a room at a local hotel with a jacuzzi and relax with some friends if you really wanted to, whatever you’re comfortable with.