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On May 21st, Gemini season officially begins, and on that same day, Mercury is going to enter Gemini. Mercury, the fast-paced planet, will only stay in Gemini for two weeks, however, if you are open to its energy- you are going to see major changes.

With Mercury’s influence governing communication and intelligence, it’s no wonder that when it arrives in Gemini, whose ruling planet is MERCURY, that we will be open to some major life change. Geminis is known for being smart, energetic, and chatty, while also being open to adapting to new environments.

If you are feeling an influx of energy already, you haven’t seen anything yet. And with the huge surge in communication and energy, you will be placed almost in a cycle of magician-like energy, as Refinery 29 referred to it.

As Mercury in Gemini is a fast-paced, and high-energy combo, you may be feeling restless and a bit bored with your current situations, especially those that aren’t working. In turn, with social energies amping up, you may be turning a new leaf.

If you were wishing for change, there is no better time, as this will open us up to our abilities to express our intentions, and furthermore, our abilities to follow through with the active change.

You may feel a bit chaotic, as though you are being pulled in many directions, which can be distracting. However, taking time to meditate, write down your desires, and create plans to carry them out, will leave you like an unstoppable force.

If you have ever felt stuck in your current situation, these combined energies will bring that to the surface. Don’t delay actions of change any longer. If you have been waiting to make a move, now is the time.

Even if the change you make is slight (think to choose different toppings on your lunchtime pizza) these slight changes will open you up to bigger and better things. With the magical energies connecting us to our higher selves right now, the sky is absolutely the limit. Chase your dreams think big, and planning is everything. You got this!