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For those who do not know, Mercury will be going retrograde very soon. As we continue to move through October, things are going to be getting quite interesting, to say the least.

This retrograde begins on the 13th in the sign Scorpio and ends in November on the 3rd in the sign Libra. As you may be aware, Mercury is a powerful planet but when it is retrograding it becomes far more complex. During times like this communication is hard and really making sure no one is misunderstanding you is not going to be easy.

This whole celestial event is going to hold some pretty interesting aspects and with that, some of us might feel like we are all over the place. This for us all s a chance to slow down and should be taken as such. Take this time to reflect and really let the things before you sink in properly.

This retrograde Mercury will be opposite Uranus and that will leave us feeling more on edge and tense. You might find that getting things done is much more complex and well, lots of the things going on around you will be distracting you easily. While you may have a lot going on that you need to focus on one thing at a time as best you can right now. wrote as follows about the energies this retrograde brings:

Planet Mercury rules communication, travel, and technology, so all of these things are often disrupted during Mercury Retrograde. People get stressed out and have misunderstandings and arguments. And technology and machinery breaks down, including everything from cars to computers.

Life slows down during Mercury Retrograde — it has no choice but to slow down because the universe is blocking our forward momentum. We start reflecting and looking back instead of moving forward, and that’s why Astrology dictates Mercury Retrograde is a bad time to start new projects, go on first dates, get married, travel, sign important papers or legal documents, or make big purchases.

That said, there is plenty you can do during Mercury Retrograde. It can be a very useful time to rest and think and plan for the future.

What do you think about these up and coming energies? With the retrograde finally upon us, I am very excited. This in itself is going to help us really figure things out as we move forth.

To learn more about the things to come take a look at the video below. This in itself is a chance for us to really figure out if we are where we feel we should be. I know, this retrograde might sound scary but honestly, it’s just misunderstood.