The coming Taurus New Moon opens the doorway to Eclipse season. Eclipse season is a time of change and transformation. A time when the Universe presents an opportunity to make a quantum jump onto a higher path for our soul evolution.
The sweet and sensual lunation blooms in the skies on May 11, and it is bringing a refreshing spiritual grounded sense of energy to our springtime goals. Everyone can use the luck of the lunar reset to their advantage!

White metal bull and crescent moon in the night sky. Bull – a symbol of the year, eastern horoscope, zodiac sign Taurus, watercolor illustration, New Year card, banner, etc.
May’s new moon will take place in the hardworking sign of Taurus, and will make it the premier new moon of the Taurus season! The energy asks us to fix our focus on realistic goals and be realistic about the way that we plan to reach them. Set your intentions, especially if they relate to Taurean themes like love, money or values. Remember to apply a slow and steady attitude when it comes to reaching your goals. Do not pressure yourself to rush to the finish line or start all your plans at once.
This specific Taurus New Moon is one that calls for a retreat. Any new energy that it brings with it should restore and recharge your batteries. You want the energies to flow rather than try to force and control them.
Taurus is an earth sign, so the energy will also serve to ground and root us to our bodies. You will begin to feel the changing pull of the Eclipse energy rolling in, but with your feet firmly planted on the ground to feel steady and ready for whatever finds you.
This new moon will also serve as a time of reflection, if not an incitement for some sort of change. This stubborn earth sign has a tendency to get stuck in its ways, sometimes to its own detriment. It is time to challenge your current routine, your creature comforts so to speak.
There is a lot of pressure to deny ourselves of the things that truly make us feel good. To view these things and the feelings they bring with them as treats only. When you make time for yourself, you are not necessarily taking the day/night off or treating yourself you are replenishing your energy. In turn, you will feel more capable of doing everything that feels less than a treat the following day.
If you are confident in the structure that you apply to yourself and your daily life, there is nothing to worry about. But this is a time of change and growth! It is only human to cling to a way of life simply because it is comfortable or familiar, but it is time to branch out. Make yourself a priority and do the things that you need to get done in order to meet your own personal goals.
Welcome the energy that is coming your way and know that you are being supported to both ground yourself and move with the energy.