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Mars being back in its home sign of Aries is a huge feat that not many people realize as energetically charged as it is. This planet is going to hold lots of power over us all as we move forward and things will get more intense than you might expect. 

Mars will be in Aries until January 2021 which means these energies are not going to be dying down anytime soon. Sure, they may be a bit overwhelming but you’ve not even seen the most intense part of it yet. Mars in Aries pushes us to do more and be better. It drives us towards success and really asks us to make the changes necessary to align more properly with our goals as a whole. 

You see, when Mars is in Aries we are stronger and much more independent. We are pushed and pulled to really show our brightest side and put our best foot forward. While it might be a bit hard to swallow at first. These energies will help you overcome so many obstacles for the rest of this year that it may be able to turn 2020 into something positive. 

We will all be moving forth and trying our hardest to get things done. That being said, we should all keep in mind that sometimes breaks are needed. As this transit continues it should also be noted that Mars will finally be going retrograde for the first time in a very long time. This retrograde also occurring in Aries is quite an energetic powerhouse for a lot of different reasons. 

This retrograde will begin on September 9th and continue until November 13th. Yes, it will last for quite a while and most of us will be very affected by it. This retrograde is a very frustrating one because it holds us back in love and tries to force us to face too much at one time. We gain a lot but as we try to move forth, we feel stuck and unable to do-so. These energies are hard to get your grip on and until you can do exactly that things will be complicated at best. 

If you want to make the most of this retrograde you need to remain calm and do your best to stay grounded. When something bad happens don’t let it ruin your mood, just keep trying. While setbacks suck, you are stronger than you realize. 

To learn more about Mars in Aries and what to expect over these next roughly six months take a look at the video below. Things are going to get complicated and that’s fine. Just keep trecking on and you will manage without much issue.